项目名称: 银纳米粒子与土壤胶体的共迁移机制及转化过程特征
项目编号: No.21507015
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 化学工程及工业化学
项目作者: 梁艳
作者单位: 广西大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 土壤胶体对于人工纳米粒子在环境中的迁移转化行为起着至关重要的作用。胶体可通过其带电性、极大的比表面积等理化性质、土壤溶液的化学特性和颗粒物之间的相互作用使纳米粒子附着其表面,并作为载体促进纳米粒子在土壤中移动和扩散,该共迁移行为影响着纳米粒子迁移和转化的过程特性,增强对地下水污染的潜在危害。本课题拟进行研究不同理化条件下土壤胶体对银纳米粒子的附着-解附作用和协助迁移行为,探索土壤胶体与银纳米粒子共迁移行为的理化因素、控制条件,以及相应的影响机制;通过痕量检测和电镜观测等技术,对银纳米粒子的理化状态以及与环境介质的相互作用形式进行微观检测,获取其在土壤中的形态特征、分布、与胶体间相互结合的行为特性;在充分实验数据基础上,采用HYDRUS软件对纳米粒子和土壤胶体共迁移行为进行模拟,以揭示和预测土壤胶体对于银纳米粒子在环境中的归趋的影响和关键机制。研究结果将对颗粒污染物土壤环境治理提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 土壤胶体;银纳米粒子;共迁移;迁移转化;模拟
英文摘要: Soil colloid is very important to the transport and transformation of engineered nanoparticles in the environment. Nanoparticles can be attached onto soil colloids due to surface charge, extremely large specific surface area, soil solution chemistry, and the association between two particles. Soil colloids might act as carriers facilitating the transport of nanoparticles in soil, thus influence the transport and transformation processes of nanoparticles and increase the potential risk of groundwater contamination. This project proposal aims to deduce the attachment-detachment and the facilitated transport of silver nanoparticles by soil colloids under key physicochemical factors, especially the mechanisms of co-transport of silver nanoparticles and soil colloids. Additionally, the microstructure of the interaction between nanoparticles and environmental media will be studied using trace analytical techniques and electron microscope. Based on experimental results, co-transport of silver nanoparticles and soil colloids will be described by the use of HYDRUS computer code to quantitatively assess the potential mechanisms. This information is needed for soil management and remediation of particulate pollutants.
英文关键词: Soil Colloids;Silver Nanoparticles;Co-transport;Transport and Transformation;Modeling