项目名称: 水稻木聚糖酶XIP抑制蛋白家族基因的功能和表达调控研究
项目编号: No.31271632
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 翁晓燕
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 72万元
中文摘要: 谷物内的木聚糖酶抑制蛋白以多基因家族形式存在,在植物防御中起作用,但是在植物生长发育中的其他作用以及表达调控不很清楚 ,因此开展水稻木聚糖酶XIP抑制蛋白基因家族的功能和表达调控研究非常有意义。我们已经克隆和体外表达了水稻木聚糖酶XIP抑制蛋白家族不同基因,并获得了过量表达和消减表达的转基因水稻株系,研究表明XIP家族基因过量表达可提高转基因水稻的抗病性。在此基础上,本项目将研究转基因水稻中XIP基因表达水平与抗病相关基因及茉莉酸信号传导途径相关基因表达的关系,探明XIP基因调控抗病的机理。还要从整体层面分析整个家族及家族成员的组织特异和诱导表达谱;利用超量表达株系进行水稻全基因组芯片扫描,分析差异表达的抗病相关转录因子;拟通过瞬时表达技术检测LUC的荧光表达量研究其表达调控方式。最后提出水稻木聚糖酶XIP抑制蛋白基因家族表达调控和抗病防御中的作用机制模型,为水稻抗病防御提供新思路。
中文关键词: 水稻;XIP抑制蛋白家族基因;植物防御;基因表达;
英文摘要: Xylanase inhibitor is a protein inhibiting the activity of endo-b-1,4-xylanase that degrades the plant cell wall. Three types of xylanase inhibitors, XIP(xylanase inhibitor protein)-type, TAXI (Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor)-type and TLXI (thaumatin-like xylanase inhibitor)-type, have been identified in cereals. Recently, xylanase inhibitors, occurring as large polymorphic families, have been thought to be involved in plant defense. Tokunaga and Esaka revealed the existence of rice XIP-family genes in 2007. We have being working on xylanase inhibitors for several years. We have obtained transgenic rice plants with over-expression of xylanase inhibitor gene and gene knocked-down plants by using transgenic techniques. Our results showed that rice xylanase inhibitor genes participated in rice resistance to disease, and the enhanced resistance accompanied with the increased level of xylanase inhibitors gene transcripts in T1 plants. But it remains unclear how and why rice XIP-family genes enhance rice resistance to disease. The aim of this project is to study biological functions of rice XIP-family genes in plant development and their expression regulation. In this study, we will explore the relationship between the expression levels of xylanase inhibitor genes and pathogenesis-related (PR) genes as well as
英文关键词: rice;XIP family genes;plant defence;expression;