项目名称: 完全胸腔镜下心脏微创虚拟手术力觉反馈关键技术研究
项目编号: No.60873131
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 谢叻
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 34万元
中文摘要: 完全胸腔镜下微创心脏手术与机器人心脏手术相比较有其较明显优势,胸壁 3 孔全胸腔镜下能够完成各类型室间隔缺损修补术、各类型及有合并症的房间隔缺损修补术。完全胸腔镜心脏外科是一项全新的技术,它基于同时又高于传统的开胸心脏手术,具有新的技术难点和更高的技术要求。为完善和推广我国医务工作者摸索出的这项难度大的新手术方法,使其发扬光大,本项目拟对完全胸腔镜下的虚拟心脏手术的力觉反馈关键和难点问题进行研究,抽象出全胸腔镜下心脏手术关键难点的手术操作,采集和获取关键操作的力觉信息,研究完全胸腔镜下心脏手术力觉和运动觉反馈机制,并且研发具有力反馈的虚拟手术器械验证和实现力觉和运动觉反馈,建立具有视觉、听觉、运动感、力觉感的多感知的完全胸腔镜下虚拟手术环境。大大减少医生培训时间、费用以及实习手术风险,加快我国在完全胸腔镜下心脏外科的发展,为医学教育、临床医学手术培训、手术预演服务,具有广阔的发展和应用前景。
中文关键词: 虚拟现实;虚拟手术;力反馈;心脏手术;微创手术
英文摘要: The minimally invaseive heart surgery under laparoscope entirely has evident merit than the heart surgery by robot, the many type of heart surgery are able to complete under laparoscope entirely by cutting 3 little hole in chest. Basing on traditional heart urgery, the minimally invaseive heart surgery under laparoscope entirely possesses the newly key technolegy, in order to spread this new surgery method fished out by the surgeon of our country, this project plan to study the force feedback key technology for minimally invasive heart surgery under laparoscope entirely. We would abstract the key operation action, obtain the force information of the key operation action and study the force and movement feed back principle on the minimally invasive heart surgery under laparoscope entirely. The instrument with the force feedback function will be developed to validate and realize the force and movement feedback, the surgical environment with vision, hearing, movement and force feed back would be established. The project would reduce the surgeon training time and risk, which would benefit on surgery training and planning. The project has widely application.
英文关键词: virtual reality; virtual surgery;force feedback; heart operation; minimally invasive operation