项目名称: 参数化风景园林空间密度研究——以建成环境为例
项目编号: No.51478104
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 李哲
作者单位: 东南大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 风景园林的核心问题在于协调人为影响与自然演进的关系,营造和谐的景观空间。当前,随着以量化分析技术为手段的参数化研究不断深入,风景园林科学前沿已由量化分析发展至动态模拟,根据空间变量进行参数化空间建构已成为学科焦点问题之一。课题以进一步推进风景园林参数化设计水平为目标,以参数化风景园林的耦合理论为指导,以建成环境为例,针对风景园林空间密度的参数化理论与方法进行系统研究。课题依托参数化方法与交互式技术,进行建成环境的空间密度解析与量化研究,在分析空间密度及与生态容量、空间容量之间耦合规律的基础上,进行空间形态、环境肌理、场所空间的量化评估与三维模拟,建立从二维平面到三维空间的参数化动态反馈模型,实现风景园林空间生成机制的数字化转型。课题提出了针对风景园林空间密度及其空间建构的参数化研究方法,为景园环境空间的生成与演进提供了科研分析平台,其成果对于提高风景园林设计科技水平具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 风景园林;空间密度;参数化;耦合理论;建成环境
英文摘要: The importance of landscape design is to coordinate artificial activities with the natural process, and to create a harmonious landscape space. Nowadays, with the increasingly deep study on parameterized landscape design by means of quantizing analysis technology, the latest scientific advance of landscape is varying from quantizing analysis to dynamic simulation. Also, spatial and environmental variables and its parameterized design have been becoming one of the focuses of landscape science. Based on the theory of coupling, the research project focuses on the landscape space density based on parameterized methods, and devotes to theoretical summary and the system construction. At the same time, the researcher takes the built environment as example, systemically analyzes the spatial variables of landscape by means of parameterization and interactive technology, with the parameterized study on environmental space density, ecological capacity, spatial capacity and their inner coupling topology, evaluating and simulating the space form, environmental pattern and space of landscape, in order to build the dynamic feedback mechanism and the parameterized spatial model from 2D to 3D dimension , and to promote digitized transformation of landscape spatial construction. Finally, the research aims to put forward a new system of parameterized spatial construction in connection with the sustained development of landscape space, providing a reliable analytical platform for the rational planning and optimization of the living space, the production of which will be of importance in promoting scientific design of landscape and planning.
英文关键词: landscape;space density;parameterization;coupling theory;built environment