项目名称: 基于高密度遗传连锁图谱的苎麻纤维细度QTL定位及优异等位基因挖掘
项目编号: No.31471547
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 陈建华
作者单位: 中国农业科学院麻类研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 苎麻是重要的纺织原料,为更好地满足纺织工业的要求,提高纤维细度已成为目前苎麻育种研究的重要任务。通过分子标记辅助选择可有效加速其改良进程,但目前却缺乏纤维细度及其优异等位基因连锁分子标记。因此,本研究拟在我们前期构建低密度遗传连锁图谱基础上,利用简化基因组测序(SLAF-seq)技术加密标记,构建苎麻高密度遗传连锁图谱(连锁分子标记1000个以上);然后通过连锁分析进行纤维细度QTL定位;最后以本研究QTL定位结果作为瞄定区域,进一步在213份核心种质中进行瞄定区域关联分析,挖掘优异等位基因。本研究可明确纤维细度及其优异等位基因连锁分子标记,深化对种质资源的认识,奠定分子辅助选择育种基础。另外,构建的高密度连锁图谱具有分子标记密度高、类型新颖、有序列信息等创新技术优势,将推动苎麻分子标记辅助选择、候选基因克隆和比较基因组学研究。
中文关键词: 苎麻;纤维细度;遗传连锁图谱;QTL定位;关联分析
英文摘要: Ramie fiber is an important row material in textile industry. To satisfy the requirements of textile industry development, fiber fineness improvement has become a key task for ramie breeding.Marker-Assisted Selection(MAS)can speed up process of fiber fineness improvement effectively.However,so far, marker-assisted selection for fiber fineness is still stagnant because of a lack of molecular markers related to elite fineness alleles. On the base of our pre-constructed low-density genetic linkage map, high-density genetic linkage map containing more than 1000 molecular markers will be constructed through SLAF-seq technology in this study, and some QTLs related to fiber fineness will also be mapped through linkage analysis. Focused on elite fineness alleles, the core collection comprising 213 ramie accessions will be involved in association mapping for target domains including some QTLs developed in above research. This study will be expected to identify molecular markers closed to elite alleles of fiber fineness, deepening the understanding of the germplasms, and lay the foundation for molecular breeding in ramie. Additionally, the newly-constructed high-density genetic linkage map, characterized by higher dense and novel markers and DNA sequences assembled, can promote the study on marker-assisted selection, candidate gene cloning, and comparative genomics of ramie in the future.
英文关键词: ramie;fiber fineness;linkage map;QTL mapping;association analysis