项目名称: 感激(感恩)的神经生物学基础
项目编号: No.91232708
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 神经系统疾病、精神疾病
项目作者: 周晓林
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 社会性情感,如感激、内疚等,是人类社会交往的重要组成部分,得到了道德哲学和社会心理学等学科的广泛关注。然而,囿于方法上的局限,社会性情感难以在在有控制的、真实的人际交互中重复性地诱发,研究者也缺乏客观的指标来证明情感的发生,因而难以在实验室情景下对其进行分子、神经层面上的实验研究。我们发展了一种在真实人际交互情境中诱发感激(感恩)的范式,力图在前期脑成像研究基础之上,结合连接组和基因组等手段,进一步考察健康人感激(感恩)加工的神经生物学和分子遗传学基础,考察调节这些机制作用形式的个体因素。我们还将考察情感障碍患者在加工诱发感激的信息时的缺陷及其脑活动的异常,以期加深对情感障碍的神经生物学理解。
中文关键词: 社会情绪;感激;功能成像;遗传;
英文摘要: Social emotions, such as gratitude and guilt, are crucial parts of interpersonal interaction, and have long been the objects of investigation in moral philosophy and social psychology. However, our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying social emotions is rather lacking, probably due to the difficulty in repeatedly eliciting social emotions in laboratory settings. We recently developed an experimental paradigm which can validly and repeatedly elicit the feeling of gratitude. In this project, we aim to continue our line of research on the neurobiological basis of gratitude, with the help of connectom and genome. We intend to delineate the neurobiological and genetic basis of gratitude in healthy population, and to investigate how patients with certain mental illnes have abnoral neural reponses to stimuli that typically elicit the feeling of gratitude.
英文关键词: social emotion;gratitude;fMRI;genetics;