项目名称: 高压下第四主族元素四甲基类富氢电子材料的金属化和超导电性研究
项目编号: No.51502189
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 秦振兴
作者单位: 太原科技大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 金属氢被预言在高压是一个高温乃至室温量级的超导体,然而由于诱发其金属化所需要的压力过高,超出了目前静高压技术的极限。使用富氢电子材料代替氢探索其超导机理,这一方法近年已经广泛施行,这是因为富氢体系中氢原子处在周围原子所施加化学压力环境中,从而降低了外部所需施加的物理压力。最近,科学家已经在硫化氢这一组分中发现了190K的超导转变温度,刷新了高温超导体保持的记录。这里我们提出利用高压手段在第四主族元素四甲基化合物这一组富氢材料体系中探索其金属化与超导电性。我们前期的研究初步证明这组化合物在高压下存在稳定的相,通过拉曼光谱研究发现其中一个组分四甲基硅烷在96GPa出现了可能的半金属态。本课题将在更高的压力下获得该组材料更为丰富的金属化特征,并利用同步辐射X光衍射技术确定其金属态结构,进行高压电输运测量探索其可能的超导转变温度,以期获得该系列材料的高压超导行为。
中文关键词: 高压;拉曼光谱;同步辐射X射线衍射;电输运测量
英文摘要: Metallic hydrogen has been predicted to be a high temperature superconductorunder pressure, whereas the pressure inducing the metallization is beyond the limit of the present static high-pressure technology. Instead of pure hydrogen, hydrogen-rich electronic materials may be a shortcut way for exploring superconductivity of the metallic hydrogen, in which hydrogen atoms under the chemical pressure imposed by the surrounding atomic environment can lower the needed physical pressure. The recent breakthrough in the discovery of superconductivity above record high 190 K in H2S compound. Here, we propose to explore the metallization and superconductivity of the tetra-alkyl compounds of goupe IVa elements under pressure. Our previous research has proved that these compounds exist without decomposition under pressure. A possible half-metaliic state of Si(CH3)4 at 96 GPa was observed by raman spactroscopy. In this project, we will achieve richer appearance charecterised as the metallization at higher pressure, determine the structures by powder synchrotron x-ray diffraction, and perform the electric transport measurement to search the possible superconductivity in order to gain finally the superconducting behaviors.
英文关键词: high pressure;raman spectroscopy;synchrotron x-ray diffraction;electric transport measurement