项目名称: 亚波长金属-石墨烯复合结构中的强束缚混合模式及其在红外吸收器中的应用研究
项目编号: No.11304272
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 丁岚
作者单位: 云南大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 亚波长周期结构中能支持伪表面等离子体、准束缚态以及Fabry-Perot等束缚模式的产生,这些束缚模式能将光局域在小于波长的范围之内,从而为人们突破衍射极限对光进行操作提供了可能。本项目针对一种新型亚波长金属-石墨烯复合结构,利用等效偶极子散射理论及红外反射实验,研究了该复合结构中由多种传统束缚态耦合形成的一种新型局域模式- - 强束缚混合模式。本项目将明晰这种新模式的物理图像,力图在表面等离子体光学和石墨烯的交叉点上,探索其在可调红外吸收器中的应用。项目的主要创新内容如下:(1)探讨亚波长金属-石墨烯复合结构中传统束缚态间的相互作用,给出它们耦合形成强束缚混合模式的条件;(2)研究强束缚混合模式的电压依赖特性,探讨其中的物理机制;(3)基于强束缚混合模式设计制作新型电压调谐红外吸收器。完成本项目将解决复杂亚波长结构中多种束缚模式相互作用过程不明确的问题,并将在器件应用方面累积重要原创成果。
中文关键词: 亚波长结构;束缚模式;石墨烯;红外光;吸收器
英文摘要: Confined modes, such as spoof surface plasmons, quasi-bound states, and Fabry-Perot, etc., can be supported by subwavelength periodic structures. Optical energy could be localized in a scale smaller than incident wavelength when these modes are excited. This character opens opportunity to control light beyond the diffraction limit. In this project, we theoretically and experimentally study a new kind of localized states, namely highly confined hybrid modes (HCHM), which are sustained by a subwavelength metal-graphene heterostructure. Through the effective dipole scattering theory, we will find out the physical mechanism and properties of HCHM, and explore its application in tunable infrared absorbers. The main creative content is listed as follows: (1) Through experimental and theoretical research, we discuss the interaction between conventional confined states in the proposed subwavelength metal-graphene heterostructures, and find out the phase matching condition of HCHM. (2) We also study the relation between the properties of HCHM and the gate volt of graphene layer, and explore its physical mechanism. (3) Based on HCHM, we design and fabricate a new kind of electrically tunable infrared absorbers. Our results will give an insight into the interaction between multiple confined modes in complex subwavelength s
英文关键词: Subwavelength structure;confined mode;graphene;infrared light;absorber