项目名称: 带有多种不确定的MIMO系统的自抗扰控制闭环稳定性研究
项目编号: No.11426049
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 赵春哲
作者单位: 重庆三峡学院
项目金额: 3万元
中文摘要: 带有不确定性的解耦控制问题是工业控制领域的研究热点。近来,对MIMO系统表现优秀的ADRC技术得到了许多关注,已有很多应用成果。一些应用研究已超出了现有ADRC 理论分析的适用范围,需要新的理论支持。本项目拟采用严格的数学工具,研究阶、相对阶和参数均不确定的MIMO 系统ADRC 解耦问题:对应用研究中积累的问题和经验给出严格的数学描述;证明开环稳定系统和最小相位系统的ADRC 闭环稳定性, 给出参数整定方法及闭环动态特性描述;分析更一般的对象;给出基于已知的PID 控制快速设计和整定ADRC 的流程,并分析此时的闭环动态特性。开展本项目有助于探明ADRC 优秀性能的成因,揭示ADRC 解耦问题的一般规律,为MIMO对象的ADRC 设计和整定提供理论支撑和一般思路,从而促进ADRC 理论与应用研究的发展。
中文关键词: 自抗扰控制;未知阶;未知相对阶;闭环稳定性;ALSTOM气化炉
英文摘要: Decoupling the plant with multiple uncertainties is a hot topic in the process control. Recently, much work has been done for the ADRC decoupling problems, which performs excellently for the MIMO system. The related application research is fruitful. But, some applications are beyond the scope of the existing ADRC theoretical results, and need further theoretical support. So, with the mathematical tools, this project is on the ADRC decoupling problem for the MIMO system whose order, relative degree and parameters are uncertain: The mathematical description is made for the problems and the experiences found in the application research. Then, the closed-loop stability is proved for the open-loop-stable system and the minimum-phase system with ADRC, and the parameter tuning method and the closed-loop performance description are given. For more general plants, a quick method to design and adjust the ADRC is established based on the known PID controller, and the closed-loop performance is also described. This project is helpful for explaining the excellence of ADRC and revealing the general rule in the ADRC decoupling problem. It provides the theoretical support and the general guideline for designing and tuning ADRC for the MIMO system, and promotes the theoretical and application research on the ADRC.
英文关键词: ADRC;unknown order;unknown relative degree;closed-loop stability;ALSTOM gasifier benchmark