项目名称: 细菌基因组水平上DNA磷硫酰化修饰与甲基化修饰的比较分析及功能启示
项目编号: No.31300038
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 辜美佳
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 近年来,研究者发现了DNA骨架上的第一修饰- - DNA的磷硫酰化修饰,由dnd基因簇将硫原子取代磷酸二酯键上非桥连氧原子后形成的。同源性分析显示基因簇广泛存在于多种菌属之中。并且,磷硫酰化修饰位点在菌属之间存在特异性,但是这种DNA骨架上的修饰的生物学意义却一直是一个未解之谜。DNA上发现的甲基化修饰对细菌的生命活动有着重要意义。有趣的是,磷硫酰化硫修饰位点与甲基化修饰位点存在一定的交集,那么发生在DNA骨架上的磷硫酰化修饰与这种发生在DNA碱基上的修饰是否存在相互影响与相互作用呢?本项目拟以特定DNA序列为突破口,通过多种学科手段在基因组水平上比较分析磷硫酰化修饰与甲基化修饰,得到细菌全基因组磷硫酰化修饰与甲基化修饰比较的谱图,进而挖掘和理解DNA磷硫酰化这种新的修饰系统更多、更重要的生物学意义。
中文关键词: 限制修饰系统;DNA甲基化;DNA磷硫酰化修饰;;
英文摘要: Phosphorothioate(PT) modification of DNA, with sulfur replacing a nonbridging phosphate oxygen produced by dnd gene cluster, which is widespread in bacteria, was recently discovered. And PT modifications get site-specificity among different bacteria. However, the biological significance of PT modification is unknown. DNA methylation which happens on the bases of DNA is important to the bacteria. And we found the modification sites of PT modification and methylation get some correlation, which makes us interested to investigate the potential interaction between methylation happened on the bases and PT modification happened on the backbone of the DNA. In this study, we will analyze and compare the methylation and PT modification on the genomic level. Knowning the precise PT modification sites, as well as the impact on the gene expression on the genome of bacteria, will lead us to understand the biological significance of PT modification.
英文关键词: Modification restriction system;DNA methylation;DNA phosphorothioation;;