项目名称: 草地管理模式对青藏高原地区人文和环境系统影响及其优化模式研究
项目编号: No.41461109
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 曹建军
作者单位: 西北师范大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 自上世纪90年代中期青藏高原地区实行草地承包制以来,单户和联户两种草地管理模式共存。已有研究发现,草地管理模式对区域人文和环境系统的可持续发展有重要影响,但在青藏高原地区进行类似探讨的研究还非常匮乏,且零碎不系统。本项目拟从生态经济学整体性视角出发,结合弹性理念,通过社会调查和野外实验交叉学科方法,在区域尺度上从经济、社会文化、管理和内生制度及植被、土壤和水源等方面,探讨两种管理模式对人文和环境系统的不同影响及其机制,并揭示联户管理模式具有比较优势的内在机制。在此基础上,根据联户意愿和现有联户规模等实际情况,对其进一步优化,以与人文和环境系统更加高度耦合。这一研究成果将为高原草地资源管理方式的日趋完善和优秀乡土文化知识的传承及公地悲剧问题的解决提供可靠的科学依据和详实的案例支撑。
中文关键词: 植物资源;草地资源;管理模式;资源利用;优化模型
英文摘要: Multi-household management model and single-household management model appeared on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau after grassland contracted in the middle 1990s. Studings have found that grassland management model had effects on on human and environmental systems,but few focusd on Qinghai Tibetan Plateau.Social survey and field experiments combined with idea of resilience management were adopted to explore the differences of economy, social culture,management and endogenous institutions between multi-household management and single-household management on regional scale,and also, the differences of vegetation, soils and water sources between these two models were investigated.Furthermore,the mechanisms of the difference between them and underlying mechanisms of comparative advantages of multi-household management were studied and revealed. On this basis, the multi-household model was further optimized according to willingness of herders to adopt multi-household management and its number of households at present, and thus it would be more highly coupled to humanities and environments. The results will make the grassland management more complete, and will be contributed to the successor of culture and knowledge, and to solution of the tragedy of the commons.
英文关键词: Plant resources;Grassland resources;Management model;Resource utilization;Optimization model