项目名称: 基于金属微纳结构荧光增强效应DNA测序新方法研究
项目编号: No.21475011
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 欧阳津
作者单位: 北京师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 单细胞测序在生命科学研究中具有重要意义,但是现阶段的DNA荧光测序技术存在荧光标记物量子产率较低,荧光稳定性不佳,散射光背景干扰较大等不足,导致DNA测序操作繁杂,成本很高,阻碍了单细胞测序技术的发展。因此,建立高灵敏度和低成本的DNA测序新方法,在基础研究和实际应用中都有十分迫切的需求。本项目拟将金属微纳结构引入DNA测序中,利用等离子体激元共振效应实现信号分子的荧光强度大幅增强,为DNA测序提供灵敏度高、程序简单的实施方案。研究内容概括为:1)设计、合成出稳定、有序、可控的由荧光物质(荧光标记dNTP,荧光纳米探针和荧光小分子探针)和金属纳米材料耦合形成的具有等离子体激元共振荧光增强效应的金属微纳结构;2)研究其在等离子共振场中荧光物质的光学性质和与其相关的分子识别与组装机制;3)探索将所建立的方法用于DNA分析的可能性和条件。本项目的研究成果将为DNA测序提供一种新思路。
中文关键词: 荧光增强;金属微纳结构;荧光探针;等离子体激元共振;DNA测序
英文摘要: Fluorescent DNA sequencing has been extensively applied to life science. The low fluorescence quantum yields and high background scattering of present methodology have, however, limited the application of most existing fluorescent dyes in DNA sequencing. A complicated bioluminescent procedure with multiple enzymes has to be applied as a conventional procedure for the purpose. In this project we propose a simple implement scheme by designing a kind of metallic micro-nano structures to achieve higher sensitivity for DNA sequencing based on surface plasmon resonance effect. Our research contents are as follows: 1) Design and synthesis of orderly and controllable metallic micro-nano architectures that could be used to generate surface plasmon resonance; 2) Study on the optical properties of plasmon resonance field and evaluation of the fluorescent enhancement for small-molecule dyes, the quantum dots and dNTP labeled fluorescence probes, and investigate its associated mechanism of molecular recognition and assembly; 3) To explore the new DNA sequencing workflow rely on these key technique. Our achievement of this project would contribute a new strategy for single-cell DNA sequencing.
英文关键词: Fluorescence enhancement;metallic micro-nano structures;fluorescent probes;surface plasmon resonance effect;fluorescent DNA sequencing