项目名称: 基于微量元素形态分析探讨黄芩主要药效的物质基础
项目编号: No.81202903
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医学八处
项目作者: 李化
作者单位: 中国中医科学院中药研究所
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 微量元素与人体健康密切相关,它在疾病的防治方面意义重大。其存在形态不同,呈现出的药理作用、被人体吸收的程度均有很大差别。过去研究中,仅将元素种类和总量与药材的生物活性相联系的思路,显然不能满足临床治疗的需要。中药微量元素形态分析属于一新型交叉领域,是对现阶段中药有效成分研究中的一个重要补充和发展。本研究以黄芩作为研究对象,在微量元素初级形态分析的基础上,进一步对黄芩水煎液的元素可溶态进行次级形态研究,考察微量元素的在人工胃肠液中的具体结合形式,结合黄芩中黄酮类定性定量分析,以及抗菌、抗病毒和抗氧化实验,初步探讨微量元素存在形式与黄芩主要药理作用的关系,以及其主要药理作用的物质基础。本课题通过黄芩的示范研究,旨在揭示中药中微量元素与有机成分协同或拮抗作用的规律,为从本质上搞清微量元素与中药药效的关系提供理论依据,为中药新药的发现及现有药物疗效
中文关键词: 黄芩;微量元素;形态分析;黄酮;药理作用
英文摘要: Trace elements and human health are closely related, it is significant in the prevention and treatment of disease. Due to its different forms, its pharmacology and absorption capacity of the body are very different. Research in the past only paid attention to the relationship between element types and amounts and the biological activity of medicinal plants, obviously which is unable to meet clinical need. Speciation analysis of trace elements in traditional Chinese medicine is a new cross-cutting field, and it is the important complement and development for effective component research of Chinese herbal medicine at present. This research will choose scutellaria Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi as an object, based on primary speciation of elements analysis of scutellaria Scutellaria baicalensis, further study the secondary-level speciation analysis of the soluble states in water decoction, and investigate the specific combination form of trace elements in artificial gastrointestinal liquid. Combinating antibacterial, anti-virus and anti-oxidation experiments, the relationship between existing forms of trace elements and main pharmacology will be preliminary discussed, and the material basis of main pharmacology will be clarified. Model study on the subject of scutellaria Scutellaria baicalensis is designed to revea
英文关键词: Radix Scutellariae;Trace elements;Speciation analysis;Flavonoids;Pharmacological effects