项目名称: 长足摇蚊亚科高级阶元系统发育研究
项目编号: No.31272284
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 王新华
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 79万元
中文摘要: 利用中国研究材料上的优势。结合现代系统发育系统学理论,采用比较形态学和分子系统学分析相结合的研究方式,开展长足摇蚊亚科高级阶元的系统发育系统学研究。所得资料将规范长足摇蚊亚科族级、属群和属级鉴别特征。探求该亚科和已知属群的单系性以及长足摇蚊亚科属群和属间的系统发育关系,构建长足摇蚊亚科高级阶元的系统发育系统;追溯该亚科的进化历史。预期新见解的提出将解决长期悬而未决的长足摇蚊亚科高级阶元系统发育上脉络不清的难题,为合理制定世界摇蚊科分类系统提供重要依据。
中文关键词: 长足摇蚊亚科;系统发育;高级阶元;形态学;分子生物学
英文摘要: In virtue of the material advantage in China, combined with modern cladistics principles,the project focus on phylogenetic study on the higher taxa of Tanypodinae using comparative morphological and molecular systematic methods. The aims of the project include: Defining the diagnosis in the subfamily,tribe,generic complex and genus level. By the phylogenetic parsimony analyses to examine if the higher taxa are monophyletic and its phylogenetic relationships. Reconstract the phylogenetic relationaship and trace evolutionary history of the subfamily. Anticipated viewpoint will redound to solve the puzzle of unclear phylogenetic relationship bewtween higher taxa of Tanypodinae and will provide important data for constituting resonable classification system of the family Chironomidae.
英文关键词: Tanypodinae;phylogeny;higer taxa;morphology;molecular biology