项目名称: 高性能平面光集成可重构光插分复用(ROADM)技术研究
项目编号: No.61275029
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 吴远大
作者单位: 中国科学院半导体研究所
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 可重构光插分复用器(ROADM)是光传送网(OTN)的重要光节点,是光网络走向智能化的重要基石。基于强限制光波导的微环谐振器是集成光电子回路的重要组成单元,利用它可以实现小型化和高性能的可重构光插分复器。本课题采用高折射率差SOI波导材料,通过建立纳米线波导FDTD数值分析模型,研究纳米线波导单模传输条件、传输损耗及偏振相关性等基础问题;研究微环谐振器的耦合结构、谐振波长及偏振态等关键特性;研究单环和多环谐振结构,改善滤波特性;通过创新性的结构优化设计,采用电子束光刻和ICP刻蚀工艺制作出OADM,进一步对微环进行热光或电光调控,预期实现信道间隔为100GHz、上下4路波长、可重构、响应时间为微秒量级的集成化ROADM器件芯片。
中文关键词: 绝缘体上硅;微环谐振腔;可重构光插分复用器;光子集成;
英文摘要: The optical network is developing towards all-optical network which is high-speed, large capacity, and intelligentized. Therefore, it requires much higher integration level of photonic devices, such as reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM). One effective way of realizing compact devices is to adopt strongly-confined photonic waveguide, of which silicon-on-insulator (SOI) nano-wire waveguide is a good choice. The single-mode condition of SOI nano-wire waveguide is calculated with 3-dimension BPM algorithm, and kinds of loss of SOI nano-wire waveguide is analyzed as well. Besides, the mode-mismatch problem of reverse tapered coupling structure will be simulated and calculated with 3-dimension FDTD algorithm.The filtering performance of the filters with different loss, coupling coefficient and coupling structure will be analyzed.Optical add-drop multiplexer will be fabricated using Electron-Beam photolithography (EBL) technology and Inductive-Coupled-Plasma (ICP) etching technology.Farthermore, by thermal-optic or electro-optic tuning, four channel ROADM chip with 100-GHz channel interval and micro-second response speed will be fabricated.
英文关键词: Silicon on insulator(SOI);Micro-ring resonator(MRR);Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer(ROADM);Photonic Integration;