项目名称: 基于谱方法的柔性转子系统非线性振动动态预测模型研究
项目编号: No.51305133
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 蒋勉
作者单位: 湖南科技大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 非线性振动的动态预测是柔性转子系统在线动平衡和实时振动控制技术的基础和关键。现有的转子动力学模型主要采用有限元法和集中质量法来建立,阶数高,计算量大,容易误差累积,应用到非线性振动的实时动态预测具有较大困难,也不便于控制器的实现。项目利用谱方法对复杂系统降阶能构建便于快速预测和控制器设计的低阶近似模型的特点,提出基于谱方法的柔性转子系统非线性振动动态预测模型研究,具体内容包括以下三个方面:(1)基于动力学行为机理分析建立质量沿轴线分布的柔性转子系统非线性振动分布参数模型;(2)研究非线性振动分布参数模型空间正交基函数的选取方法,采用谱方法构建柔性转子系统非线性振动低阶近似模型;(3)基于时空分离技术和系统辨识理论设计柔性转子非线性振动近似建模动态综合补偿策略。项目成果对于柔性转子系统非线性振动的在线动平衡和实时主动控制技术在实际中的应用具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 柔性转子系统;非线性振动;谱方法;动态预测;
英文摘要: Dynamical predictions for the nonlinear vibration of flexible rotor systems have key significance to the aim of control its vibration.The existed dynamical models for the nonlinear vibration are mainly constructed using finite element method and lumped mass method, which are high-dimensional and unsuitable for synthesizing implemental and real-time control. Moreover, error accumulation and long calculation time of these dynamical models are the obstacles of the dynamical prediction for the vibration under the high speed conditions. Fortunately, spectral method can construct low-dimensional approximate models from the complex systems by model reduction that can be used for fast predictions and controller design. Based on its typical characteristics, this project intends to research the dynamical predicted models for the nonlinear vibration of rotor systems by spectral method. The research is specified as the following three aspects. Firstly, based on the analysis for the dynamics of the flexible rotors, a parameter model with the distributed axis' quality for the nonlinear vibration is constructed. Secondly, a complete set of the spatial orthogonal basis functions for the model reduction of the distributed parameter model are selected, therefore a low-dimensional approximate models for nonlinear vibration of flex
英文关键词: Flexible rotor systems;Nonlinear vibiration;Spectral Methods;Dynamical prediction;