项目名称: 用于低剂量X射线成像的双栅极光电薄膜晶体管“智能”像素的研究
项目编号: No.61474143
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: Kai Wang
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 作为当今疾病诊断的重要工具,数字平板X射线探测器已在医学影像领域得到了广泛的应用。作为探测器的最基本单元,像素对成像质量起到了至关重要的作用。目前,所有的像素电路均采用信号感应、存储、以及读取三元分立的设计。这样不仅增加了像素面积,而且不利于信号的有效传输。针对这些问题,本课题在国际上首次提出双栅极光电薄膜晶体管智能像素的概念,将传统像素里彼此分立的感应、储存、和读取三者集成在一起,由一个器件来完成所有功能。智能像素技术不仅节省了像素面积,提高了分辨率,简化了制备工艺,而且还借助于晶体管本身的放大效应, 完成了像素内部信号的放大功能,有望实现高灵敏度和低剂量X射线成像。本课题将重点研究单个器件和成像阵列的工作原理、制备工艺、以及器件结构与性能的关系等关键问题,为实现高灵敏度和低剂量的新型数字X射线成像系统奠定基础,这对降低病人尤其是儿童和婴幼儿群体的辐射致癌风险具有十分重要的意义。
中文关键词: 光电探测器;图像传感器;光电特性;半导体器件;响应度
英文摘要: Amorphous silicon flat panel X-ray detector was introduced a decade ago and has established itself as a ubiquitous platform for several digital radiography modalities, including chest radiograhy, mammograhy, and fluoroscopy. The fundamental building block of a flat panel detector is called a pixel. In all current pixel architectures, either passive or active, sensing, storage, and readout are unanimously kept separate. This will inevitably compromise resolution by increasing pixel size. To address this issue, we hereby propose a smart pixel archtecture where the above-mentioned three components are combined in a single dual-gate photo thin-film transistor.In another word, the dual-gate transisotor itself works as a sensor, a storage capacitor, and a switch at the same time. Additionally, by harnessing the amplificaiton effect of thin-film transistor, we for the first time created a single transistor active pixel sensor. The smart pixel technology holds tremendous promise for achieving high-resolution,high-sensitivity and low-dose X-ray imaging, which may potentially lower cancer risk imposed by radiation, especailly among pediatric patients.
英文关键词: Photodetector;Image Sensor;X-ray Imaging;Thin Film Transistor;Low Dose