项目名称: 由点和曲线拟合B样条曲面研究
项目编号: No.61202335
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 王文珂
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: B样条曲面是CAD系统中曲面表示的基本形式之一。由点和曲线拟合B样条曲面是B样条曲面的重要生成方式,在计算机辅助设计和曲面造型等领域有着广泛的应用。本课题面向CAD系统曲面造型的应用需求,研究由点和曲线拟合B样条曲面的若干关键算法,提出误差可控的B样条曲面蒙皮方法,曲线所在平面不平行时的光滑曲面拟合算法,开闭截面线混合且存在分支情况下的B样条曲面拟合方法,误差可控且数值稳定的由无序B样条曲线拟合曲面的方法,由平面点云拟合多条B样条曲线的高效算法,以及利用切片技术由点云拟合B样条曲面的方法,并将提出算法实现到由点和曲线拟合B样条曲面软件原型系统中,验证所提出方法的有效性和实用性。本课题研究成果可用于提高CAD系统的曲面造型能力,有着重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 曲面拟合;曲面蒙皮;B样条曲线;曲线拟合;分支
英文摘要: B-spline surfaces are the base expressions of surfaces in CAD systems. Fitting a B-spline surface from points or curves is one of the most important way for B-spline surface construction, which is widely used in CAGD and surface modeling. This project faces the application requirement, and studies several key algorithms of B-spline surface construction by fitting points and curves. In the project, we try to propose the error bounded algorithm for approximate B-spline surface skinning, smooth surface fitting to unparallel B-spline sectional curves, the branching B-spline surface fitting algorithm for bosh open and close sectional curves whose number for each section may be different, error bounded and numerical stable B-spline surface fitting algorithm to unorganized curves, efficient multiple B-spline curves fitting to planar point cloud. In addition, we will combine the branching B-spline surface fitting algorithm with the B-spline curves fitting algorithm to construct B-spline surfaces from point cloud by slicing. To validate the effectiveness and practicability of our algorithms, we will develop a software system for B-spline surface fitting from points and curves, in which the proposed algorithms will be implemented. The research results will improve the surface modeling ability of the CAD system. Therefore,
英文关键词: Surface fitting;Surface skinning;B-spline curve;Curve fitting;Branching