项目名称: BPQ-DNA加合物的实验及分子动力学模拟研究
项目编号: No.21265022
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 金彪
作者单位: 延边大学
项目金额: 41万元
中文摘要: DNA加合物是DNA化学损伤较为普遍的存在形式。DNA加合物就是指亲电性物质与体内DNA分子特异位点所形成的共价结合物. 本项目拟制备一种新的有效致癌加合物 BPQ-deoxycytidine(dC),研究DNA加合物结合位点及DNA结构变化,加合物分子的光谱性质-光诱导分子内电子转移和能量传递等。同时采用分子动力学模拟对DNA加合物进行模拟实验,首次观察到在光谱分析实验中无法获得的微观细节BPQ-胞嘧啶加合物结构信息,进而在分子水平上研究DNA受损机理及DNA碱基损伤形式,对肿瘤研究具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 加合物;光谱分析;动力学模拟;胞嘧啶;损伤
英文摘要: The most common type of chemical mutation involves the formation of specific adducts with DNA. Covalent modification of DNA by electrophiles is generally accepted as the initial event in chemical carcinogenesis. The aim of the present investigation is to prepare and characterize carcinogenic adducts of BPQ-deoxycytidine (dC). Detailed spectroscopic analysis can provide the structural features of specific bonding as well as the properties of the photoinduced energy and electron transfer processes between BPQ and DNA. In combination with molecular dynamics simulations, we establish the structural properties and thermodynamic aspects of adduct-containing DNA. The study of the carcinogen information have great importance to understand the mechanism of damage to DNA base at the molecular level.
英文关键词: adduct;spectroscopic analysis;dynamics simulation;cytidine;mutatuion