项目名称: 具有疏水微纳结构的亲水表面蒸汽滴状冷凝传热特性研究
项目编号: No.51206092
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 工程热物理与能源利用学科
项目作者: 陈凤
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对核安全重要设备-水冷堆非能动安全壳冷却系统中的关键科学问题,即,反应堆在事故情况下无外界辅助动力装置驱动时的快速高效冷凝传热问题,研究水蒸汽(包括液滴和气泡)在具有疏水微纳结构的亲水表面上滴状冷凝的强化传热特性。它包括:基于最小表面自由能的基础理论,提出并构建一种耦合疏水与亲水特性共存的微纳结构冷凝表面;研究蒸汽在该冷凝表面上的动力学行为,及其快速滴状冷凝传热的规律与特性;研究与建立能描述蒸汽在该表面上冷凝传热强化的物理-数学模型;探讨影响该新型冷凝表面滴状冷凝强化传热的关键因素;寻求使非能动安全壳实现快速冷凝传热的技术方案。本项目是我国既要发展核能技术;同时又要维护公共安全中迫切需要解决的关键科技问题之一。研究成果不仅为确保核反应堆的安全运行,提供不依靠外界辅助动力装置的迅速传热的技术途径与科学依据;而且在强化冷凝传热的研究领域也具有学术意义。
中文关键词: 液滴行为;亲疏水性;分子动力学模拟;微纳结构;润湿模式
英文摘要: This project focuses on the prompt and efficient condensation heat transfer without external auxiliary power supply equipment under emergent condition in Passive Containment Cooling System, which is quite important nuclear safety equipment of water-cooled reactor. Therefore, heat transfer enhancement of water steam dropwise condensation on hydrophilic surfaces with micro-nano-scale hydrophobic structure, based on the underlying Surface Free Energy Minimum theory, is being studied. Water steam dynamics, including droplet and bubble dynamics, as well as quick dropwise condensation heat transfer, on the presented condensing surface is studied experimentally. A new mathematical and physical model arises to discuss and verify the importance of influencing factors in the process and the result in order to produce speedy condensation of Passive Containment wall. This research induces a possible solution to the problem of satisfying both nuclear technology development and public safety by improving the safety of the nuclear reactor with the technology of prompt and efficient condensation heat transfer without external auxiliary power supply equipment under emergent condition, which also contributes to the academic area of condensation heat transfer enhancement.
英文关键词: droplet behavior;hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity;molecular dynamics simulations;micro-nano structure;wetting regime