项目名称: 横断山区高山流石滩植物簇生结构协作共存机制的研究
项目编号: No.31470321
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 杨扬
作者单位: 中国科学院昆明植物研究所
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: 青藏高原东南部横断山区高山生物带最前端区域由于独特的生态系统和景观而被称为高山流石滩。受到地形和季风气候等综合因素的影响,高山流石滩孕育了全球最丰富的高山植物多样性资源,且拥有最显著的环境梯度和最多样的生境类型,是研究高山植物种类间协作共存机制及其与气候和环境因子间联系的理想场所。但是,由于分布海拔极高,实验材料的可得性和野外试验的可重复性差,本区域内高山植物种类间协作机制的研究开展的还非常有限,特别是对于某些典型代表性植物共存现象的研究也还完全是空白,是物种间关系研究的薄弱地区。本研究拟选取横断山区高山流石滩生境内高山植物簇生结构,结合其涉及植物种类多,包含环境梯度大,分布范围广的特点,以生态学理论为基础,同时结合多学科研究试验手段,从物种,居群/群落等不同进化层面入手,对簇生结构协作共存机制的表现形式,作用方式及其生态系统功能和重要性进行分析和探索。
中文关键词: 簇生结构;协作共存;高山流石滩;横断山区;青藏高原
英文摘要: As a hotspot of evolutionary study, plant-plant interactions receive many attentions from researchers. Due to its unique landscapes, the front area of alpine habitats of Himalaya-Hengduan Mountain (HHM), SE Qinghai-Tibetan plateau was termed as 'alpine screes'. Benefiting from topographical and climatic factors, alpine screes in HHM owning the globally richest alpine flora as well as the most pronounced spatial and temporal gradients, is a natural laboratory for studying plant-plant interactions particularly facilitation, which is predominated in hostile environments, as alpine and arid habitats. However, bad accessibility of plant materials in this area due to its extremely high elevations makes difficulty to conduct study in situ to explore facilitation among plant species and understand mechanisms behind. As one of most outstanding facilitative phenomena in alpine screes of HHM, 'clustered structure' characterizes with several systematically distant species involving and widely distributing, providing an excellent system for studying the facilitative effects amomg plant species. In this study, we choose 'clustered structure' as a model and combine with multi-disciplinary theories and studying methods to make understanding of performance, intensity and importance of facilitations at species, population/community and ecosystem evolutionary levels of plant species inhabiting in alpine screes of HHM.
英文关键词: Clustered structure;Facilitations;Alpine screes;Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains;Qinghai-Tibet plateau