项目名称: 唇语特征在身份认证中若干关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61271319
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王士林
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 众所周知,不同人有不同的嘴唇形状和外观,在讲话过程中的讲述风格也各不相同。这些与讲话过程相关的嘴唇信息被称为唇语特征。近期研究表明,唇语特征之中包含了丰富的讲话人身份信息,可被用来识别和认证讲话人的身份。本项目旨在深入研究唇语这一与讲话过程相关的新型生物特征,探寻唇语特征区分讲话人身份的鉴别力根源所在,并设计适合其特点的讲话人身份认证方法。重点的研究内容包括:1)准确、鲁棒、高效的唇语特征提取技术;2)唇语特征身份认证机理;3)针对特定/可变提示语,适合唇语特征特点的讲话人身份认证机制。通过本项目的研究,对揭示唇语特征与讲话人身份之间的内在联系有重要的理论意义。同时,为世界范围内依据视觉信息进行讲话人身份认证领域的若干研究难点提供了新的思路和解决方法。最后,项目预期研究成果可望融入各种多生物特征身份认证系统,在安全性要求较高的入口控制系统和访问控制系统中有广阔的应用前景。
中文关键词: 唇语特征;讲话人识别;讲话人认证;身份鉴别力分析;生物特征
英文摘要: It is well-known that different people have different lip shape and appearance and different people have their unique talking style during utterances. The visual information of the lip region which is related to the uttering procedure is referred to as the lip features. Recently, many researchers have demonstrated that the lip features contain rich speaker-identity-related information and can be used as a new kind of biometric feature in speaker authentication. This project aims to carry out a systematic and in-depth study on the discriminative power of various lip features in differentiating speaker's identity and provide a comprehensive analysis to discover the underlying rationale of the role of the lip features in speaker authentication. Based on the characteristics of the lip features, a series of speaker authentication algorithms will be designed. The major research focuses of the project lie in: i) Accurate, robust and efficient lip feature extraction techniques; ii) Underlying mechanism of the discriminative power of the lip features; iii) Speaker authentication schemes based on the lip features for fixed or variable prompt-texts. This investigation will disclose the underlying relationship between the lip features and the speaker's identity. Furthermore, this study should contribute to the advancement o
英文关键词: Lip Feature;Speaker Identification;Speaker Authentication;Identity Discriminative Power;Biometrics