项目名称: 基于波导多模干涉的全光正交变换器件
项目编号: No.61201068
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 周俊鹤
作者单位: 同济大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 全光正交变换在各种通信系统(如无线通信系统、微波毫米波系统、和光纤通信系统)中具有广阔的应用前景,因此逐渐得到国内外的关注。最近一种基于多模干涉波导的新型器件被提出用来实现全光哈达玛变换。但此方法还尚未被用来实现其它的正交变换,并且缺乏系统性的设计方法。本课题拟开展对于该器件的研究,通过调节各种多模干涉波导物理参数及相关的移相器的相位,寻找新的途径和方法实现多种全光正交变换。在理论研究方面,计划从多模干涉型波导的耦合波模型出发,建立描述波传输中非线性效应、多模耦合及参数随机涨落的详细模型。在器件制备上,采用SOI材料和较为成熟的工艺流程,通过优化物理设计方案,降低耦合损耗,在SOI材料上实现该器件的样片。该课题的研究成果,将帮助实现多种通信系统中全光化超高频数字信号的处理,并且有助于实现该系统和现有光器件和电路的集成化,对于科学研究和工程应用都有重大的意义。
中文关键词: 多模干涉波导;光信号处理;多芯光纤;模分复用;光开关
英文摘要: All optical orthogonal transforms are very useful in various telecommunication systems, such as radio over fiber (ROF) system, microwave and milli-wave communication system, and novel ultra high speed optical communication systems. Therefore they have received signicant attentions. A novel approach to realize all optical Hadamard transforms has been recently proposed based on the multimode interference couplers.However, it has not been used for other orthogonal transforms yet and is lack of systematic design methodology. In this proposal, we propose to realize novel orthogonal transforms based on the MMI couplers. By tuning the phase shifters and other parameters of the MMI coupler device, novel orthogonal transform devices are formed. The theoretical study on the device performance will focus on the comprehensive coupled mode theory, which will not only consider the multimode coupling, but also includes the nonlinearity and random variation of the physical parameters. The experimental study will focus on the fabrication of the device based on the silicon on insulator (SOI) materials. After careful optimization of the device topology to reduce the coupling loss, a sample chip is expected to be fabricated using this fabrication technology. This research will enable the ultra-high speed all optical digital signal
英文关键词: multimode interference couplers;all optical signal processing;multicore fibers;mode division multiplexing;optical switch