项目名称: 基于游客感知构建旅游地意象的测量模型:以海南岛为例
项目编号: No.71262032
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 宋子斌
作者单位: 海南大学
项目金额: 37万元
中文摘要: 旅游地意象(简称TDI)研究领域目前就测量TDI而言存在片面、散乱、缺乏统一理论做指导、以及测量模型的心理计量性能往往不达标等难题。这导致人们质疑TDI研究成果的科学性和应用价值。本项目因此确立两个研究目标。第一,从游客感知视角在理论上构建TDI测量模型;该模型有机整合了TDI认知、情感、构面、整体以及行为等构件。第二,以游客对海南旅游地感知为例,实证上述TDI测量的理论模型。实证数据来源于到访海南岛的现实游客。本项目研究方法以定量为主,定性为辅;同时还采用因素分析以及结构方程等方法。本项目在理论上克服了单个TDI流派存在的片面性或缺乏可操作性之类的弊端,实质性地将TDI构成及其测量理论往前推进了一步。本项目TDI测量表非常有可能具有优秀的心理计量性能,从而有利于我国各级有关部门认识、驾驭和掌控海南旅游目的地在游客心目中的形象。该项目研究成果将对海南以外的旅游地意象测量也有参考和借鉴价值。
中文关键词: 旅游地意象;游客感知;测量模型;旅游地品牌;海南岛
英文摘要: Nowadays, the tourism destination image (TDI) literature is seen to have many problems such that there has been a lack of unified theoretical framework within which TDI could be conceptualized and measured in a more complete and consistent manner. In addition, many existing TDI measurement models do not exhibit acceptable psychometric properties (e.g., construct's reliability and validity,goodness-of-fit, among others). These could run the TDI literature into the risk of being atheoretical and nonscientific. They could also call the practical values of TDI findings into questions. TDI in the context of Hainan Island, China is also not exempt from these problems. The objectives of this project are therefore two-fold. One is to develop, from the perspective of visitors' perceptions, an integrative TDI theoretical measurement model, which organically unifies TDI different components such as cognitive, affective, behavioral, overall, facet, psychological, functional, unique, common images, among others. These components as well as their factor structures are often scattered in different theories and empirical TDI works. The other is to validate the new theoretical model, using datum collected from existing visitors on Hainan Island, China. Largely, the present study will employ quantitative techniques to analyze
英文关键词: Tourism destination image;tourists' perceptions;measurment model;destination branding;Hainan Island