项目名称: 立体视觉信息的舒适度认知理论与评价方法研究
项目编号: No.61302123
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 沈丽丽
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 立体视觉信息最终在人脑中感知形成,只有符合人类视觉系统的成像规律,才能在人脑中舒适融像。本项目面向立体视觉信息感知和舒适度评价中尚未解决的关键问题,拟开展以下三个方面的研究:1、通过脑电技术、生命体征监测和人因感受研究立体舒适度的认知,挖掘立体视觉信息特性及其特征要素。2、构建立体信息三维场景运动、旋转等空间模型,揭示立体内容变换规律等,采用多因子分析法检测参数并建立反馈控制系统。3、基于视觉信息舒适度的认知和多因子反馈控制系统分析,研究立体信息视点间特征因素的不匹配特性,建立立体视觉信息舒适度评价理论和方法。该项目的研究成果能够加深人类对立体视觉系统的认识,构建立体信息的舒适度评价体系。项目奠定的理论基础还能促进课题组正在承担的"立体显示舒适度测试规范"国家标准草案的制订,形成具有自主知识产权的技术规范。
中文关键词: 立体舒适度;脑电技术;体征监测;视觉感知;
英文摘要: The spreading research and applications of stereoscopic information technologies have brought significant changes in both academia and industry, and it has a promising future. The stereoscopic information is perceived by human, which means that it has to be compatible with human brain's vision systems to produce adequate viewing comfort for the viewer. This project seeks to address several unsolved essential problems in stereoscopic information perception and viewing comfort evaluation.To begin with, viewing comfort is studied based on observing electroencephalogram (EEG), monitoring vital signs and inquiring human's subjective feelings,and technical parameters characterizing stereoscopic information is underlying. Furthermore,a series of models should be build,such as motion models , rotation models of stereoscopic information scene along with three dimensional axes,and visual field confliction models.We will reveal the transformation rules of 3D information, and through multi-factors analysis approach analyze parameters to build a controllable feedback system . In the final stage, after examining image reconstruction theory and viewing comfort theory in human brain, we intend to study the mismatches between different viewpoints in stereoscopic information, and advance viewing comfort evaluation system. This
英文关键词: veiwing comfortably;EEG technology;monitoring vital signs;visual perception;