项目名称: 数字化产品设计中面向有限元分析的网格编辑技术研究
项目编号: No.61300136
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 冼楚华
作者单位: 华南理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着现代数字化产品复杂性的增加,为提高产品设计质量、缩短设计开发周期,工程人员越来越希望将CAD设计与CAE仿真这两个过程无缝集成起来。CAD/CAE无缝集成的目标之一就是实现产品有限元网格模型与CAD模型的关联互动,支持在分析阶段直接对网格模型进行编辑修改,以减少设计与分析之间十分耗时的循环往复。由于目前已有的网格编辑算法不能满足此类要求,本项目将对数字化产品设计中面向有限元分析的网格编辑的关键问题展开深入的研究,以支持CAD/CAE的无缝集成,加快新产品的开发速度。本项目将系统研究有限元网格模型的多层次语义表征结构、网格特征的识别与参数提取、特征参数驱动的网格编辑以及局部网格优化等各部分,以支持在有限元分析阶段对网格模型进行多层次的编辑,满足数字化产品设计中面向有限元分析的网格编辑的需求。
中文关键词: 有限元分析;体网格编辑;体网格优化;四边形网格;快速编辑
英文摘要: As the complexities of the digital product increase, the CAD modeling process is expected to integrate seamlessly with the CAE analysis to accelerate the cycle of the product development. Keeping the consistency of finite element mesh with the CAD model is important while modifying the product in the CAD/CAE seamless integration platform. And directly editing the finite element mesh (FEM) is an important way to achieve this goal. Because current mesh editing techniques cannot meet this requirement, this project will conduct the research on some key mesh editing techniques of digital product for finite element analysis in order to support CAD/CAE seamless integration. In this project, we will explore the representation and automatic extraction of multi-level semantics of the FEM systematically to meet the semantic-based and multi-level editing of finite element mesh during the analysis process. Then, we will study new methods for feature recognition, feature parameter extraction and parameter driven editing algorithms of the FEM. The local mesh optimization methods will be also studied, which will guarantee the qualities of the FEM for finite elements analysis.
英文关键词: Finite Element Analysis;Volumetric Mesh Editing;Volumetric Mesh Optimization;Quad Meshes;Efficient Editing