项目名称: 基于云计算的虚拟实验平台关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61202494
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 盛羽
作者单位: 中南大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 随着现代教育技术改革的不断深入以及远程教育的不断发展,对虚拟实验室的需求也变得越来越强。现有的虚拟实验平台架构相对比较简单,难以满足虚拟实验室复杂度和用户数增长所带来的各种需求。近年来云计算技术也随着网络应用的推广而日渐成熟,其可以为虚拟实验室的进一步发展提供有力支撑。本项目将基于云计算技术对虚拟实验室系统架构及关键技术问题展开研究。具体研究:针对软件操作类的实验需求,利用云计算基础设施层的虚拟化技术,研究可定制实验环境的按需定制方法及快速部署技术;针对多种形态的虚拟实验资源,利用云计算平台服务层技术,研究能够满足大并发用户访问需求的虚拟实验资源的部署与调度方法;针对向用户提供逼真实验环境的需求,基于云计算软件层最新Web技术,研究能准确捕获用户需求并及时有序传递实验数据的虚拟实验操作环境实现技术。项目的成功实施将对推动云计算技术应用和虚拟实验室的发展提供可以借鉴的理论和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 云计算;虚拟实验;虚拟机部署;Web服务;
英文摘要: With the innovation of modern education technique and the development of remote education, the requirement of virtual lab becomes stronger and stronger. The existing virtual experiment platform frameworks are relatively simple, which are hard to satisfy the complexity of virtual lab and all kinds of requirements accompanied by the increase of users. Recently, with the spread of network application, cloud computing technique becomes more and more mature, and it will be a strong support for the development of virtual lab. This project aims at the investigation of virtual lab system framework and key technique based on the cloud computing technique. Firstly, in order to satisfy the experiment requirements of software operation, this project will apply service layer technique of could computation platform to study custom-made experiment environment methods, including how to construct experiment environment by customer's requirement s, and how to get the experiment environment quickly and efficiently. Secondly, aiming at all types of virtual experiment resource, the project will make use of the techniques of the service layer of cloud computing platform and study the method of deploying and dispatching virtual environment resource, which can satisfy the access requirement of a large amount of parallel users. Final
英文关键词: Cloud Computing;Virtual Labratory;VM Providing;Web Services;