项目名称: 拟南芥中抗白粉病新途径相关基因的克隆与功能鉴定
项目编号: No.31270319
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 李勇青
作者单位: 中国科学院华南植物园
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 白粉病是一种世界性的病害,小麦、大麦、黄瓜、橡胶树等重要粮食作物和经济作物都是白粉菌主要侵染对象,每年给全球农业造成巨大损失。因此植物抗白粉病的分子机制,成为植物学家一个重要的研究课题。植物对抗白粉病,主要是通过水杨酸,或者茉莉酸/乙烯等植物激素调节的抗病途径,我们克隆了拟南芥中一个未知功能蛋白- - PMR5,该基因的缺失突变造成了拟南芥对白粉病的抗性表型,而这种抗性不依赖任何已知的抗病途径。为了寻找PMR5调控的抗白粉病新途径的遗传因子,我们进行了回复突变体的筛选。遗传分析表明该途径是一个有多个基因参与的复杂途径。我们还发现许多回复突变具有多效性,包括已经克隆的一个突变体,影响植物生长发育的各个方面以及植物对非生物性胁迫抗性的变化。克隆和研究这些回复突变体,可以深入揭示植物抗白粉病的分子机制,为提供高产高抗作物提供理论依据和候选基因。
中文关键词: 白粉霉;抗病;细胞周期;交叉对话;蛋白互做
英文摘要: Powdery mildew can infect many crops, including wheat, barley, cucumber and rubber trees, which leads to great loss in agriculture world wide. It has been an important research topic to study the molecular mechanisms of plant defense responses against powdery mildew disease. Plant resistance to powdery mildew is mainly mediated by plant hormones, such as salicylic acid, jasmonic acid/ethylene. We isolated a powdery mildew-resistant mutant in Arabidopsis, pmr5, whose resistance is independent on any of the known defense pathways we've tested. PMR5 is a plant specific protein with unknown function and it defines a novel defense pathway. To find more players in this pathway, we screened pmr5 suppressors and obtained multiple mutants. Many suppressors, including the one we cloned, have pleiotropic effect on plant development and resistance to abiotic stresses. Genetic analysis has shown that there are multiple players in this pathway. Cloning and characterization of these suppressors will provide deep insight into the molecular mechanisms of plant resistance to powdery mildew. They can also be good candidate genes for crop improvement.
英文关键词: powdery mildew;pathogene resistance;cell cycle;crosstalk;protein interaction