项目名称: 动框架效应下非线性强耦合磁悬浮转子稳定控制研究
项目编号: No.61773030
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2018
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 汤继强
作者单位: 北京航空航天大学
项目金额: 16万元
中文摘要: 磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺(CMG)是长寿命高精度快响应航天用CMG的前沿发展方向,多变量非线性强耦合是具有强陀螺效应转子(MSR)系统的主要特征。为了实现动框架条件下MSR稳定控制,研究多变量非线性强耦合MSR 系统的解耦控制是基础和关键。首次在框架系统动力学建模基础上,研究框架运动与MSR性能间的映射关系、耦合特性与解耦条件,MSR系统建模与稳定性分析方法、静框架MSR系统高精度解耦方法,为MSR稳定悬浮提供理论依据,为深化磁悬浮CMG理论研究、促进航天器新型姿态控制机构研制奠定基础。
中文关键词: 磁悬浮转子;陀螺效应;动框架效应;逆系统;内模控制
英文摘要: The magnetically suspended control moment gyroscope (CMG) can match the demand of high precision and quick response for the spacecraft with long-lifetime and is the leading direction of developing the CMG. For its magnetically suspended rotor (MSR), the strong nonlinearity and coupling with multi-variable are its main features. In order to realize the stable control of MSR in case of moving gimbal, the basis and key prerequisite is to research the decoupling control of multivariable nonlinear strong coupling MSR system. With respect to the stable control analysis of MSR in case of moving its gimbal for a magnetically suspended CMG, not only the relationships between gimbal movement and characteristics of MSR, but also the coupling and decoupling conditions will be researched originally based on the dynamics model for the gimbal system. The modelling approach and its theoretical analysis method for MSR system will be analyzed deeply and the decoupling method with high precision when MSR is in case of free gimbal moving will be studied. All that will provide a theoretical support to suspend MSR stably. This project can not only deep the theoretical research of the magnetically suspended CMG, but also lay the foundation for the development of new inertia executor for spacecraft.
英文关键词: magnetically suspended rotor;gyroscopic effect;moving-gimbal effect;inverse system;internal model control