项目名称: 随机粗糙海面上的运动目标电磁散射分析
项目编号: No.51307026
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 李冰
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 目前对随机粗糙背景下目标的电磁干扰分析通常是假设目标静止,并且没有考虑目标的运动且与随机粗糙背景的相互作用。而实际问题,如海面舰船编队,目标往往是运动的,并且存在与随机粗糙背景的耦合作用。本项目主要研究粗糙海面随机扰动和不确定性影响下的运动目标电磁散射建模技术,并充分考虑运动目标与随机粗糙海面复合电磁散射和运动目标运动条件下电磁散射建模技术。通过研究,达到对随机粗糙海面背景下运动目标电磁干扰的预测。这一项目的创新之处在于将运动目标与背景综合处理,并充分考虑背景对目标的作用,解决随机扰动和不确定性对电磁散射建模的影响、粒子尺寸与粗糙度及波长相比拟时传统孤立电磁散射建模的不准确性和运动目标在电磁散射中产生的"双多普勒效应"。该项目的成功实施,将对舰船编队电磁环境预测、雷达成像、目标隐身等领域的发展和改善产生积极影响。
中文关键词: 粗糙海面;运动目标;电磁散射;快速算法;
英文摘要: Nowadays the electromagnetic disturbance analysis about random rough background bases on the assumption that the target is static and has no interaction with the Rough background. But the fact is that the target is moving and has interaction with the rough backgroud,such as the ship formation.This subject studies the moving target modeling technonlgy in the condition of random rough sea surface disturbance and the uncertain effect., which can predict the electromagnetic disturbance accurately.The innovative point of this subject is that sovle the influence of electromagnetic disturbance modeling result from random rough sea surface disturbance and uncertain effect,and sovle the double doppler effect come from the inaccuracy of solitary electromagnetic scattering modeling and moving target.This subject will be a positive influence to the development of Ship Formation Electromagnetic Environment prediction , radar imaging and stealth of targets if it can successfully be implemented.
英文关键词: rough sea surface;moving targets;electromagnetic scattering;fast algorithm;