Semi-grant-free (SGF) transmission scheme enables grant-free (GF) users to utilize resource blocks allocated for grant-based (GB) users while maintaining the quality of service of GB users. This work investigates the secrecy performance of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-aided SGF systems. First, analytical expressions for the exact and asymptotic secrecy outage probability (SOP) of NOMA-aided SGF systems with a single GF user are derived. Then, the SGF systems with multiple GF users and a best-user scheduling scheme is considered. By utilizing order statistics theory, closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic SOP are derived. Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate the effects of system parameters on the SOP of the considered system and verify the accuracy of the developed analytical results. The results indicate that both the outage target rate for GB and the secure target rate for GF are the main factors of the secrecy performance of SGF systems.
翻译:这项工作调查了非横向多重准入(NOMA)辅助的 SGF系统的保密性表现。首先,对NOMA协助的SGF系统与单一的GF用户的精确和无线保密性超值概率(SOP)的分析表达方式得到推导;然后,考虑为赠款用户(GB)分配的资源区块,同时保持GB用户的服务质量。这项工作调查了非横向多重准入(NOMA)辅助的SGF系统的保密性表现。结果显示,具有多个GF用户的SGF系统和安全目标率是SGF系统保密性表现的主要因素。