项目名称: 面向生物医疗的新型双带射频收发器架构及关键电路研究
项目编号: No.61306038
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘冬生
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 高灵敏、高效率射频能量获取器和超低功耗射频收发器是无线体域网传感器节点的两个关键技术。这两个技术领域虽然经过国际学术界和工业界多年的研究,已经各自拥有了一些有效的优化措施,但还不足以达到系统优化集成,迫切需要优化的系统和电路集成措施。本课题在研究分析不同无线通信技术的射频能量获取器和超低功耗收发器的特性基础上,探索研究提出一种高能量效率的半主动双带生物医疗射频收发器架构,从通信链路、系统优化集成、电路结构三个方面系统地展开相关研究工作,拟在半主动双带通信架构、射频通信的低占空比机制、高灵敏度射频能量获取器和低功耗ILFD载波恢复机制等方面取得创新性的研究成果。本课题的顺利实施对生物医疗的新无线技术及其标准研究具有重要的意义,同时为高能量效率射频能量获取器和超低功耗射频收发器集成系统的设计与实现奠定坚实的理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 生物医疗;射频收发器;注入锁定分频器;系统优化集成;
英文摘要: High sensitivity and high efficiency RF energy harvester and ultra-low power RF transceiver are two crucial technologies for wireless body area network sensor nodes. Although some effective solutions have been proposed separately in these two areas by academic and industry community, an optimized integrated system of these two parts are not available yet, thus highly demanding for effective integration techniques in both of system and circuit levels. Based on the analysis of current RF energy harvesters and ultra low power transceivers, this project is planning to propose a high energy efficiency semi-active dual band RF transceiver architecture. The research will be conducted on the level of communication system, optimum integration system and circuit architecture, respectively, aiming for the original contribution in semi-active architecture, low duty cycle communication, high sensitivity energy harvester and low power injection locked frequency divider (ILFD) based carrier recovery technique. The results of this research have significant value for the standardization of wireless communication technology for biomedical applications. Besides, a solid theory and technology basis for the physical system implementations of high efficiency energy harvester and ultra low power RF transceiver can also be established
英文关键词: biomedical;RF transceiver;injection locked frequency divider;Optimum Integration System;