项目名称: 基于多资源多目标动态瓶颈工序的智能工艺规划模型与方法
项目编号: No.51205429
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械工程学科
项目作者: 雷琦
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 生产过程中的瓶颈工序将制约整个生产流程的产出速度并影响其它环节生产能力的发挥。现有对瓶颈工序的研究存在以下不足:1)大多针对瓶颈设备研究,没有考虑工人、工装夹具等都可能成为瓶颈资源而产生瓶颈工序;2)多从车间调度角度出发研究瓶颈工序处理策略,并没有深入研究瓶颈工序产生对工艺规划的影响,以及在工艺规划阶段如何规避或减少瓶颈工序;3)没有全面考虑瓶颈工序的动态分布特性。 本项目针对以上不足,研究面向多资源多目标的瓶颈工序统一识别方法;建立基于生产特征的动态瓶颈工序预测模型;在此基础上面向均衡生产的智能工艺规划模型与方法,并在工艺规划无法规避瓶颈时提出基于迂回工艺和基于车间调度的两种瓶颈工序处理策略;最后,开发基于瓶颈工序的智能工艺规划支持系统。将上述模型、方法和系统在3个以上车间进行应用验证,取得明显应用效果,一方面验证其科学性和正确性,另一方面展示其广阔的应用前景。
中文关键词: 瓶颈工序;多资源;工艺规划;车间排产;多目标
英文摘要: Bottleneck procedures in the production process could constrain the out-put ratio of the whole production process and affect the production capability of other processes. Present researches related to bottleneck procedures are lack in following aspects: 1) most researches aim at bottleneck equipment without considering operators, tooling and fixtures, and other factors possibly becoming bottleneck resources; 2) more researches are inclined to study the processing strategy from the angle of workshop scheduling, but ignoring the influence on process planning caused by bottleneck procedures, and how to avoid or reduce the bottleneck procedure in process planning stage; 3) without considering the dynamic distribution character of the bottleneck procedures. Based on the above shortages, a unification recognition method of bottleneck procedure oriented to multi-resource and multi-objective is studied in this project. And then a dynamic bottleneck procedure prediction model based on the production characteristic is established. On the basis of above, an intelligent process planning model oriented to balanced production is set up and two proceeding strategies based on bypass process and workshop scheduling are provided when bottleneck process is impossible to be avoided. Finally, an intelligent process planning suppo
英文关键词: bottleneck process;multi resource;process planning;scheduling;multi objective