项目名称: 物联网环境下生产车间调度控制方法研究
项目编号: No.61203322
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 王磊
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 当前的生产管理信息系统和制造执行系统普遍存在生成的作业计划在车间层难以执行操作的问题。其主要原因是这些系统难以准确获得车间底层的实时信息,只能基于统计信息制作粗糙的作业计划,造成计划层与执行层脱节。物联网技术可以使车间底层的物(如机器、工具等)具备感知、通信和一定的推理决策能力,成为"智慧物",为计划层实时、准确获得执行层信息提供了技术支撑。这会使得生产管理系统的设计发生变革,一方面可以使计划层根据执行层实时信息反馈做闭环作业计划,使计划更具可操作性;另一方面,物的智慧化也可以通过自组织协同控制自主的完成底层细节任务,减轻计划层的管理负担。本项目的主要工作就是根据物联网环境下车间调度控制的新特点,研究计划层与执行层的调度控制框架、基于执行层实时信息反馈的闭环作业计划方法和面向"智慧物"的协同控制方法,以使计划层与执行层能紧密衔接,并提出新的生产管理信息化模式,以提升企业管理绩效。
中文关键词: 物联网;制造资源;分层计划调度;协同控制;数据分析
英文摘要: Current information systems for production management, such as enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), manufacturing execution systems (MES), have a common problem that the work plans generated by such systems lack operability, which are usually very difficult to be executed in the plant workshop floor. The reason is that it is hard for such systems to acquire the exact real-time information about the low level manufacturing process in the workshop. This makes the high level planning systems produce work plans only relying on rough statistical data from a long time horizon. Thus, the work plans accrued from these systems are often very coarse and are short of detailed information for supporting smooth operations in the low executing level. It is the divorce of the high planning level and the low executing level that leads to the operability problem faced by current information systems. Fortunately, the emerging technologies of the internet of things (IOT) create an opportunity to solve such embarrassing problem. Under the IOT environment, the things in the workshop such as the machines, tools, bins for workpieces and so on become 'smart things', because they can be equipped with RFIDs and sensors, which endow them with the abilities to sense, inference, make decisions, and communicate with each other and fe
英文关键词: internet of things;manufacturing resources;hierarchical planning and scheduling;collaborative control;data analytics