An exponentially weighted moving model (EWMM) for a vector time series fits a new data model each time period, based on an exponentially fading loss function on past observed data. The well known and widely used exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) is a special case that estimates the mean using a square loss function. For quadratic loss functions EWMMs can be fit using a simple recursion that updates the parameters of a quadratic function. For other loss functions, the entire past history must be stored, and the fitting problem grows in size as time increases. We propose a general method for computing an approximation of EWMM, which requires storing only a window of a fixed number of past samples, and uses an additional quadratic term to approximate the loss associated with the data before the window. This approximate EWMM relies on convex optimization, and solves problems that do not grow with time. We compare the estimates produced by our approximation with the estimates from the exact EWMM method.



Recent developments in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) have created a paradigm shift in multiple areas of society, and the use of these technologies is likely to become a defining feature of education in coming decades. GenAI offers transformative pedagogical opportunities, while simultaneously posing ethical and academic challenges. Against this backdrop, we outline a practical, simple, and sufficiently comprehensive tool to allow for the integration of GenAI tools into educational assessment: the AI Assessment Scale (AIAS). The AIAS empowers educators to select the appropriate level of GenAI usage in assessments based on the learning outcomes they seek to address. The AIAS offers greater clarity and transparency for students and educators, provides a fair and equitable policy tool for institutions to work with, and offers a nuanced approach which embraces the opportunities of GenAI while recognising that there are instances where such tools may not be pedagogically appropriate or necessary. By adopting a practical, flexible approach that can be implemented quickly, the AIAS can form a much-needed starting point to address the current uncertainty and anxiety regarding GenAI in education. As a secondary objective, we engage with the current literature and advocate for a refocused discourse on GenAI tools in education, one which foregrounds how technologies can help support and enhance teaching and learning, which contrasts with the current focus on GenAI as a facilitator of academic misconduct.



Machine Learning (ML) operators are the building blocks to design ML models with various target applications. GEneral Matrix Multiplication (GEMM) operators are the backbone of ML models. They are notorious for being computationally expensive requiring billions of multiply-and-accumulate. Therefore, significant effort has been put to study and optimize the GEMM operators in order to speed up the execution of ML models. GPUs and accelerators are widely deployed to accelerate ML workloads by optimizing the execution of GEMM operators. Nonetheless, the performance of NonGEMM operators have not been studied as thoroughly as GEMMs. Therefore, this paper describes \bench, a benchmark to study NonGEMM operators. We first construct \bench using popular ML workloads from different domains, then perform case studies on various grade GPU platforms to analyze the behavior of NonGEMM operators in GPU accelerated systems. Finally, we present some key takeaways to bridge the gap between GEMM and NonGEMM operators and to offer the community with potential new optimization directions.



Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized software engineering (SE) by enhancing software development efficiency. The advent of pre-trained models (PTMs) leveraging transfer learning has significantly advanced AI for SE. However, existing PTMs that operate on individual code tokens suffer from several limitations: They are costly to train and fine-tune; and they rely heavily on labeled data for fine-tuning on task-specific datasets. In this paper, we present TransformCode, a novel framework that learns code embeddings in a contrastive learning manner. Our framework is encoder-agnostic and language-agnostic, which means that it can leverage any encoder model and handle any programming language. We also propose a novel data-augmentation technique called abstract syntax tree (AST) transformation, which applies syntactic and semantic transformations to the original code snippets, to generate more diverse and robust samples for contrastive learning. Our framework has several advantages over existing methods: (1) It is flexible and adaptable, because it can easily be extended to other downstream tasks that require code representation (such as code-clone detection and classification); (2) it is efficient and scalable, because it does not require a large model or a large amount of training data, and it can support any programming language; (3) it is not limited to unsupervised learning, but can also be applied to some supervised learning tasks by incorporating task-specific labels or objectives; and (4) it can also adjust the number of encoder parameters based on computing resources. We evaluate our framework on several code-related tasks, and demonstrate its effectiveness and superiority over the state-of-the-art methods such as SourcererCC, Code2vec, and InferCode.



Optical imaging quality can be severely degraded by system and sample induced aberrations. Existing adaptive optics systems typically rely on iterative search algorithm to correct for aberrations and improve images. This study demonstrates the application of convolutional neural networks to characterise the optical aberration by directly predicting the Zernike coefficients from two to three phase-diverse optical images. We evaluated our network on 600,000 simulated Point Spread Function (PSF) datasets randomly generated within the range of -1 to 1 radians using the first 25 Zernike coefficients. The results show that using only three phase-diverse images captured above, below and at the focal plane with an amplitude of 1 achieves a low RMSE of 0.10 radians on the simulated PSF dataset. Furthermore, this approach directly predicts Zernike modes simulated extended 2D samples, while maintaining a comparable RMSE of 0.15 radians. We demonstrate that this approach is effective using only a single prediction step, or can be iterated a small number of times. This simple and straightforward technique provides rapid and accurate method for predicting the aberration correction using three or less phase-diverse images, paving the way for evaluation on real-world dataset.



Generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems are trained on large data corpora to generate new pieces of text, images, videos, and other media. There is growing concern that such systems may infringe on the copyright interests of training data contributors. To address the copyright challenges of generative AI, we propose a framework that compensates copyright owners proportionally to their contributions to the creation of AI-generated content. The metric for contributions is quantitatively determined by leveraging the probabilistic nature of modern generative AI models and using techniques from cooperative game theory in economics. This framework enables a platform where AI developers benefit from access to high-quality training data, thus improving model performance. Meanwhile, copyright owners receive fair compensation, driving the continued provision of relevant data for generative model training. Experiments demonstrate that our framework successfully identifies the most relevant data sources used in artwork generation, ensuring a fair and interpretable distribution of revenues among copyright owners.



This study explores implementing a digital twin network (DTN) for efficient 6G wireless network management, aligning with the fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security (FCAPS) model. The DTN architecture comprises the Physical Twin Layer, implemented using NS-3, and the Service Layer, featuring machine learning and reinforcement learning for optimizing carrier sensitivity threshold and transmit power control in wireless networks. We introduce a robust "What-if Analysis" module, utilizing conditional tabular generative adversarial network (CTGAN) for synthetic data generation to mimic various network scenarios. These scenarios assess four network performance metrics: throughput, latency, packet loss, and coverage. Our findings demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed what-if analysis framework in managing complex network conditions, highlighting the importance of the scenario-maker step and the impact of twinning intervals on network performance.



Legged navigation is typically examined within open-world, off-road, and challenging environments. In these scenarios, estimating external disturbances requires a complex synthesis of multi-modal information. This underlines a major limitation in existing works that primarily focus on avoiding obstacles. In this work, we propose TOP-Nav, a novel legged navigation framework that integrates a comprehensive path planner with Terrain awareness, Obstacle avoidance and close-loop Proprioception. TOP-Nav underscores the synergies between vision and proprioception in both path and motion planning. Within the path planner, we present and integrate a terrain estimator that enables the robot to select waypoints on terrains with higher traversability while effectively avoiding obstacles. In the motion planning level, we not only implement a locomotion controller to track the navigation commands, but also construct a proprioception advisor to provide motion evaluations for the path planner. Based on the close-loop motion feedback, we make online corrections for the vision-based terrain and obstacle estimations. Consequently, TOP-Nav achieves open-world navigation that the robot can handle terrains or disturbances beyond the distribution of prior knowledge and overcomes constraints imposed by visual conditions. Building upon extensive experiments conducted in both simulation and real-world environments, TOP-Nav demonstrates superior performance in open-world navigation compared to existing methods.



Recent In-IDE AI coding assistant tools (ACATs) like GitHub Copilot have significantly impacted developers' coding habits. While some studies have examined their effectiveness, there lacks in-depth investigation into the actual assistance process. To bridge this gap, we simulate real development scenarios encompassing three typical types of software development tasks and recruit 27 computer science students to investigate their behavior with three popular ACATs. Our goal is to comprehensively assess ACATs' effectiveness, explore characteristics of recommended code, identify reasons for modifications, and understand users' challenges and expectations. To facilitate the study, we develop an experimental platform that includes a data collection plugin for VSCode IDE and provides functions for screen recording, code evaluation, and automatic generation of personalized interview and survey questions. Through analysis of the collected data, we find that ACATs generally enhance task completion rates, reduce time, improve code quality, and increase self-perceived productivity. However, the improvement is influenced by both the nature of coding tasks and users' experience level. Notably, for experienced participants, the use of ACATs may even increase completion time. We observe that "edited line completion" is the most frequently recommended way, while "comments completion" and "string completion" have the lowest acceptance rates. The primary reasons for modifying recommended code are disparities between output formats and requirements, flawed logic, and inconsistent code styles. In terms of challenges and expectations, optimization of service access and help documentation is also concerned by participants except for functionality and performance. Our study provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and usability of ACATs, informing further improvements in their design and implementation.



This paper puts forth a new training data-untethered model poisoning (MP) attack on federated learning (FL). The new MP attack extends an adversarial variational graph autoencoder (VGAE) to create malicious local models based solely on the benign local models overheard without any access to the training data of FL. Such an advancement leads to the VGAE-MP attack that is not only efficacious but also remains elusive to detection. VGAE-MP attack extracts graph structural correlations among the benign local models and the training data features, adversarially regenerates the graph structure, and generates malicious local models using the adversarial graph structure and benign models' features. Moreover, a new attacking algorithm is presented to train the malicious local models using VGAE and sub-gradient descent, while enabling an optimal selection of the benign local models for training the VGAE. Experiments demonstrate a gradual drop in FL accuracy under the proposed VGAE-MP attack and the ineffectiveness of existing defense mechanisms in detecting the attack, posing a severe threat to FL.


“机器学习是近20多年兴起的一门多领域交叉学科,涉及概率论、统计学、逼近论、凸分析、算法复杂度理论等多门学科。机器学习理论主要是设计和分析一些让 可以自动“ 学习”的算法。机器学习算法是一类从数据中自动分析获得规律,并利用规律对未知数据进行预测的算法。因为学习算法中涉及了大量的统计学理论,机器学习与统计推断学联系尤为密切,也被称为统计学习理论。算法设计方面,机器学习理论关注可以实现的,行之有效的学习算法。很多 推论问题属于 无程序可循难度,所以部分的机器学习研究是开发容易处理的近似算法。”

强化学习(RL)是机器学习的一个领域,与软件代理应如何在环境中采取行动以最大化累积奖励的概念有关。除了监督学习和非监督学习外,强化学习是三种基本的机器学习范式之一。 强化学习与监督学习的不同之处在于,不需要呈现带标签的输入/输出对,也不需要显式纠正次优动作。相反,重点是在探索(未知领域)和利用(当前知识)之间找到平衡。 该环境通常以马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)的形式陈述,因为针对这种情况的许多强化学习算法都使用动态编程技术。经典动态规划方法和强化学习算法之间的主要区别在于,后者不假设MDP的确切数学模型,并且针对无法采用精确方法的大型MDP。
计算机网络( Computer Networks )指将地理位置不同的多台计算机及其外部设备,通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统及网络通信协议的管理和协调下,实现资源共享和信息传递的计算机系统。