This paper is the first to consider online algorithms to schedule a proportionate flexible flow shop of batching machines (PFFB). The scheduling model is motivated by manufacturing processes of individualized medicaments, which are used in modern medicine to treat some serious illnesses. We provide two different online algorithms, proving also lower bounds for the offline problem to compute their competitive ratios. The first algorithm is an easy-to-implement, general local scheduling heuristic. It is 2-competitive for PFFBs with an arbitrary number of stages and for several natural scheduling objectives. We also show that for total/average flow time, no deterministic algorithm with better competitive ratio exists. For the special case with two stages and the makespan or total completion time objective, we describe an improved algorithm that achieves the best possible competitive ratio $\varphi=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$, the golden ratio. All our results also hold for proportionate (non-flexible) flow shops of batching machines (PFB) for which this is also the first paper to study online algorithms.



We study the problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods among a set of agents. Our focus is on the existence of allocations that give each agent their maximin fair share--the value they are guaranteed if they divide the goods into as many bundles as there are agents, and receive their lowest valued bundle. An MMS allocation is one where every agent receives at least their maximin fair share. We examine the existence of such allocations when agents have cost utilities. In this setting, each item has an associated cost, and an agent's valuation for an item is the cost of the item if it is useful to them, and zero otherwise. Our main results indicate that cost utilities are a promising restriction for achieving MMS. We show that for the case of three agents with cost utilities, an MMS allocation always exists. We also show that when preferences are restricted slightly further--to what we call laminar set approvals--we can guarantee MMS allocations for any number of agents. Finally, we explore if it is possible to guarantee each agent their maximin fair share while using a strategyproof mechanism.



As language models (LMs) deliver increasing performance on a range of NLP tasks, probing classifiers have become an indispensable technique in the effort to better understand their inner workings. A typical setup involves (1) defining an auxiliary task consisting of a dataset of text annotated with labels, then (2) supervising small classifiers to predict the labels from the representations of a pretrained LM as it processed the dataset. A high probing accuracy is interpreted as evidence that the LM has learned to perform the auxiliary task as an unsupervised byproduct of its original pretraining objective. Despite the widespread usage of probes, however, the robust design and analysis of probing experiments remains a challenge. We develop a formal perspective on probing using structural causal models (SCM). Specifically, given an SCM which explains the distribution of tokens observed during training, we frame the central hypothesis as whether the LM has learned to represent the latent variables of the SCM. Empirically, we extend a recent study of LMs in the context of a synthetic grid-world navigation task, where having an exact model of the underlying causal structure allows us to draw strong inferences from the result of probing experiments. Our techniques provide robust empirical evidence for the ability of LMs to learn the latent causal concepts underlying text.



Thanks to their parallel and sparse activity features, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are well-suited for hardware implementation in low-power neuromorphic hardware. However, mapping rate-based RNNs to hardware-compatible spiking neural networks (SNNs) remains challenging. Here, we present a ${\Sigma}{\Delta}$-low-pass RNN (lpRNN): an RNN architecture employing an adaptive spiking neuron model that encodes signals using ${\Sigma}{\Delta}$-modulation and enables precise mapping. The ${\Sigma}{\Delta}$-neuron communicates analog values using spike timing, and the dynamics of the lpRNN are set to match typical timescales for processing natural signals, such as speech. Our approach integrates rate and temporal coding, offering a robust solution for the efficient and accurate conversion of RNNs to SNNs. We demonstrate the implementation of the lpRNN on Intel's neuromorphic research chip Loihi, achieving state-of-the-art classification results on audio benchmarks using 3-bit weights. These results call for a deeper investigation of recurrency and adaptation in event-based systems, which may lead to insights for edge computing applications where power-efficient real-time inference is required.



Wi-Fi fingerprinting is widely applied for indoor localization due to the widespread availability of Wi-Fi devices. However, traditional methods are not ideal for multi-building and multi-floor environments due to the scalability issues. Therefore, more and more researchers have employed deep learning techniques to enable scalable indoor localization. This paper introduces a novel semi-supervised learning framework for neural networks based on wireless access point selection, noise injection, and Mean Teacher model, which leverages unlabeled fingerprints to enhance localization performance. The proposed framework can manage hybrid in/outsourcing and voluntarily contributed databases and continually expand the fingerprint database with newly submitted unlabeled fingerprints during service. The viability of the proposed framework was examined using two established deep-learning models with the UJIIndoorLoc database. The experimental results suggest that the proposed framework significantly improves localization performance compared to the supervised learning-based approach in terms of floor-level coordinate estimation using EvAAL metric. It shows enhancements up to 10.99% and 8.98% in the former scenario and 4.25% and 9.35% in the latter, respectively with additional studies highlight the importance of the essential components of the proposed framework.



Commercial large language models (LLMs), like OpenAI's GPT-4 powering ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude 3 Opus, have dominated natural language processing (NLP) benchmarks across different domains. New competing Open-Source alternatives like Mixtral 8x7B or Llama 3 have emerged and seem to be closing the gap while often offering higher throughput and being less costly to use. Open-Source LLMs can also be self-hosted, which makes them interesting for enterprise and clinical use cases where sensitive data should not be processed by third parties. We participated in the 12th BioASQ challenge, which is a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) setting, and explored the performance of current GPT models Claude 3 Opus, GPT-3.5-turbo and Mixtral 8x7b with in-context learning (zero-shot, few-shot) and QLoRa fine-tuning. We also explored how additional relevant knowledge from Wikipedia added to the context-window of the LLM might improve their performance. Mixtral 8x7b was competitive in the 10-shot setting, both with and without fine-tuning, but failed to produce usable results in the zero-shot setting. QLoRa fine-tuning and Wikipedia context did not lead to measurable performance gains. Our results indicate that the performance gap between commercial and open-source models in RAG setups exists mainly in the zero-shot setting and can be closed by simply collecting few-shot examples for domain-specific use cases. The code needed to rerun these experiments is available through GitHub.



Handling vast amounts of data is crucial in today's world. The growth of high-performance computing has created a need for parallelization, particularly in the area of machine learning algorithms such as ANN (Approximate Nearest Neighbors). To improve the speed of these algorithms, it is important to optimize them for specific processor architectures. RISC-V (Reduced Instruction Set Computer Five) is one of the modern processor architectures, which features a vector instruction set called RVV (RISC-V Vector Extension). In machine learning algorithms, vector extensions are widely utilized to improve the processing of voluminous data. This study examines the effectiveness of applying RVV to commonly used ANN algorithms. The algorithms were adapted for RISC-V and optimized using RVV after identifying the primary bottlenecks. Additionally, we developed a theoretical model of a parameterized vector block and identified the best on average configuration that demonstrates the highest theoretical performance of the studied ANN algorithms when the other CPU parameters are fixed.



Radar is highlighted for robust sensing capabilities in adverse weather conditions (e.g. dense fog, heavy rain, or snowfall). In addition, Radar can cover wide areas and penetrate small particles. Despite these advantages, Radar-based place recognition remains in the early stages compared to other sensors due to its unique characteristics such as low resolution, and significant noise. In this paper, we propose a Radarbased place recognition utilizing a descriptor called ReFeree using a feature and free space. Unlike traditional methods, we overwhelmingly summarize the Radar image. Despite being lightweight, it contains semi-metric information and is also outstanding from the perspective of place recognition performance. For concrete validation, we test a single session from the MulRan dataset and a multi-session from the Oxford Offroad Radar, Oxford Radar RobotCar, and the Boreas dataset.



We aim to evaluate the efficacy of traditional machine learning and large language models (LLMs) in classifying anxiety and depression from long conversational transcripts. We fine-tune both established transformer models (BERT, RoBERTa, Longformer) and more recent large models (Mistral-7B), trained a Support Vector Machine with feature engineering, and assessed GPT models through prompting. We observe that state-of-the-art models fail to enhance classification outcomes compared to traditional machine learning methods.



We consider a poromechanics model including frictionless contact mechanics. The resulting model consists of the Biot equations with contact boundary conditions leading to a variational inequality modelling mechanical deformations coupled to a linear parabolic flow equation. We propose a fully discrete iterative scheme for solving this model. This scheme decoupled the flow and mechanics equations and extends the fixed-stress splitting scheme for the Biot equations. We use finite elements in space and a backward Euler discretization in time. We show that the fixed stress split scheme is a contraction.


“机器学习是近20多年兴起的一门多领域交叉学科,涉及概率论、统计学、逼近论、凸分析、算法复杂度理论等多门学科。机器学习理论主要是设计和分析一些让 可以自动“ 学习”的算法。机器学习算法是一类从数据中自动分析获得规律,并利用规律对未知数据进行预测的算法。因为学习算法中涉及了大量的统计学理论,机器学习与统计推断学联系尤为密切,也被称为统计学习理论。算法设计方面,机器学习理论关注可以实现的,行之有效的学习算法。很多 推论问题属于 无程序可循难度,所以部分的机器学习研究是开发容易处理的近似算法。”

强化学习(RL)是机器学习的一个领域,与软件代理应如何在环境中采取行动以最大化累积奖励的概念有关。除了监督学习和非监督学习外,强化学习是三种基本的机器学习范式之一。 强化学习与监督学习的不同之处在于,不需要呈现带标签的输入/输出对,也不需要显式纠正次优动作。相反,重点是在探索(未知领域)和利用(当前知识)之间找到平衡。 该环境通常以马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)的形式陈述,因为针对这种情况的许多强化学习算法都使用动态编程技术。经典动态规划方法和强化学习算法之间的主要区别在于,后者不假设MDP的确切数学模型,并且针对无法采用精确方法的大型MDP。
计算机网络( Computer Networks )指将地理位置不同的多台计算机及其外部设备,通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统及网络通信协议的管理和协调下,实现资源共享和信息传递的计算机系统。