计算机网络课程 专知搜集
- Computer Networks视频课程: [https://github.com/Developer-Y/cs-video-courses#computer-networks]
- 14-740 - Fundamentals of Computer Networks - CMU
- CS 144 Introduction to Computer Networking - Stanford University, Fall 2013 (Lecture videos)
- Computer Communication Networks, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Fall 2001 (Videos) (Slides)
- Audio/Video Recordings and Podcasts of Professor Raj Jain's Lectures - Washington University in St. Louis (YouTube)
- Computer Networks, Tanenbaum, Wetherall Computer Networks 5e - Video Lectures
- CSEP 561 - PMP Network Systems, Fall 2013 - University of Washington (Videos)
- CSEP 561 – Network Systems, Autumn 2008 - University of Washington (Videos)
- Computer Networks - IIT Kharagpur
- Introduction to Data Communications 2013, Steven Gordon - Thammasat University, Thailand
- Introduction to Complex Networks - RIT
- Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks
- Data Communication - IIT Kharagpur
- Error Correcting Codes - IISC Bangalore
- Information Theory and Coding - IIT Bombay
- Complex Network : Theory and Application - IIT Kharagpur
- Advanced 3G and 4G Wireless Mobile Communications - IIT Kanpur
- Broadband Networks: Concepts and Technology - IIT Bombay
- Coding Theory - IIT Madras
- Digital Communication - IIT Bombay
- Digital Voice & Picture Communication - IIT Kharagpur
- Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks - IIT Kharagpur
- Internetworking with TCP/IP by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel - HPI
- CS798: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking - University of Waterloo
76+阅读 · 2021年12月14日
44+阅读 · 2021年1月12日