2018年8月15日 (周三)上午 10:00,由苏昊老师给大家带来一次公开课,公开课题目为:Deep Part Induction from 3D Shapes(3D形状的深层感应)。
苏昊,加州大学圣地亚哥分校计算机科学与工程专业的助理教授,他隶属于语境机器人研究所和视觉计算中心。他的实验室(SU Lab)致力于结构理解、形状理解和与人工智能相关的场景理解问题。他现在领导着ShapeNet的建设,这是一个大规模的以3d为中心的物体(SGP数据集)的知识库,并曾参与了ImageNet数据集的相关工作,这是一个大型的2D图像数据库(PAMI Mark Everingham奖)。
Hao Su is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering atUCSD. He is affiliated with the Contextual Robotics Institute and Center forVisual Computing. His lab (SU Lab) works on Structure Understanding, ShapeUnderstanding, and Scene Understanding problems that are relevant to artificialintelligence. He is now leading the construction of ShapeNet,a large-scale 3D-centric knowledge base of objects (SGP Dataset Award), andused to work on ImageNet,a large-scale 2D image database (PAMI Mark Everingham Prize).
He served on the program committee of multiple conferences andworkshops on computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. He isthe Area Chair of CVPR'19, IPC of Pacific Graphics'18, Program Chair of 3DV'17,Publication Chair of 3DV'16, and chair of various workshops at CVPR, ECCV, andICCV. He is also invited as keynote speakers at workshops and tutorials inNIPS, 3DV and CVPR, S3PM, etc. His research has received over 10,000 citations,according to Google Scholar.
时 间
北京时间2018年8月15日 10:00
内 容
在这节课中,我将介绍我最近在结构提取上的工作,将深度学习与其他机器学习技术结合起来,以解决不同环境下的挑战,例如完全无监督(CVPR'17的工作),弱监督(arxiv)和few-shot learning(小样本学习)(SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)。
One of the primary goals of understanding 3D shapes is to extractobject structures, e.g., to decompose objects into parts. Recently, with theavailability of large 3D datasets and the use of deep learning techniques,significant progress has been made in the task of supervised part segmentation.Although the progress is impressive, however, contemporary algorithms are stillfar inferior to humans when it comes to parsing 3D shapes from novel objectcategories that are not covered in the training sets. Being able to parse newshape categories not seen before is fundamentally crucial towards buildingintelligent agents that can assist humans in augmented reality scenarios,virtual worlds, or serve humans in autonomous robotics settings: as new objectscontinuously emerge, an agent must model and adapt to novel environments byinducing knowledge from few observations and interaction experiences.
In this lecture, I willintroduce my recent efforts on the part structure discovery problem bycombining deep learning with other machine learning techniques to address the challengesin different settings, such as purely unsupervised (CVPR’17 work), weaklysupervised (arxiv), and few-shot learning (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018) settings.
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