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6 月 5 日(周三)晚 7 点半,“每周一起读”将邀请清华大学计算机系博士生刘畅,和大家分享他发表于机器学习国际会议 ICML 2019 的两篇最新文章。
刘畅,清华大学计算机系博士生,从事统计机器学习方向研究,导师为朱军教授。他于 2014 年在清华大学物理系取得理学学士学位,博士期间曾在杜克大学访学一年。他的研究兴趣主要在贝叶斯推理方法以及利用几何结构的机器学习方法。他在机器学习国际会议 ICML, NeurlPS, AAAI 等上发表了数篇论文。
ICML 2019
Abstract: Particle-based variational inference methods (ParVIs) have gained attention in the Bayesian inference literature, for their capacity to yield flexible and accurate approximations. We explore ParVIs from the perspective of Wasserstein gradient flows, and make both theoretical and practical contributions. We unify various finite-particle approximations that existing ParVIs use, and recognize that the approximation is essentially a compulsory smoothing treatment, in either of two equivalent forms. This novel understanding reveals the assumptions and relations of existing ParVIs, and also inspires new ParVIs. We propose an acceleration framework and a principled bandwidth-selection method for general ParVIs; these are based on the developed theory and leverage the geometry of the Wasserstein space. Experimental results show the improved convergence by the acceleration framework and enhanced sample accuracy by the bandwidth-selection method.
Abstract: It is known that the Langevin dynamics used in MCMC is the gradient flow of the KL divergence on the Wasserstein space, which helps convergence analysis and inspires recent particle-based variational inference methods (ParVIs). But no more MCMC dynamics is understood in this way. In this work, by developing novel concepts, we propose a theoretical framework that recognizes a general MCMC dynamics as the fiber-gradient Hamiltonian flow on the Wasserstein space of a fiber-Riemannian Poisson manifold. The “conservation + convergence” structure of the flow gives a clear picture on the behavior of general MCMC dynamics. The framework also enables ParVI simulation of MCMC dynamics, which enriches the ParVI family with more efficient dynamics, and also adapts ParVI advantages to MCMCs. We develop two ParVI methods for a particular MCMC dynamics and demonstrate the benefits in experiments.
时间:6 月 5 日(周三) 19:30–21:00
报名截止日期:6 月 5 日(周三)12:00
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