Detecting humor is a challenging task since words might share multiple valences and, depending on the context, the same words can be even used in offensive expressions. Neural network architectures based on Transformer obtain state-of-the-art results on several Natural Language Processing tasks, especially text classification. Adversarial learning, combined with other techniques such as multi-task learning, aids neural models learn the intrinsic properties of data. In this work, we describe our adversarial multi-task network, AMTL-Humor, used to detect and rate humor and offensive texts from Task 7 at SemEval-2021. Each branch from the model is focused on solving a related task, and consists of a BiLSTM layer followed by Capsule layers, on top of BERTweet used for generating contextualized embeddings. Our best model consists of an ensemble of all tested configurations, and achieves a 95.66% F1-score and 94.70% accuracy for Task 1a, while obtaining RMSE scores of 0.6200 and 0.5318 for Tasks 1b and 2, respectively.
翻译:检测幽默是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为单词可能具有多重价值,而且根据上下文,同一词甚至可以用于攻击性表达式。基于变异器的神经网络结构在几项自然语言处理任务上,特别是在文本分类上获得了最先进的成果。反学习,加上其他技术,如多任务学习,辅助神经模型学习数据固有的特性。在这项工作中,我们描述了我们的对抗性多任务网络AMTL-Humor,用于探测和评分SemEval-2021第7号任务中的幽默和冒犯性文字。该模型的每个分支都侧重于解决一项相关任务,由BERTweet中用于产生背景化嵌入的Capsule层所跟踪的BLSTM层组成。我们的最佳模型包括所有测试过的配置的共集,并实现了任务1a的95.66% F1级和94.70%的精度,同时分别获得任务1b和2的RME分数0.6200和0.538。