Emotion recognition and understanding is a vital componentin human-machine interaction. Dimensional models of affectsuch as those using valence and arousal have advantages overtraditional categorical ones due to the complexity of emo-tional states in humans. However, dimensional emotion an-notations are difficult and expensive to collect, therefore theyare still limited in the affective computing community. To ad-dress these issues, we propose a method to generate syntheticimages from existing categorical emotion datasets using facemorphing, with full control over the resulting sample distri-bution as well as dimensional labels in the circumplex space,while achieving augmentation factors of at least 20x or more.
翻译:情感认识和理解是人类机器相互作用的重要组成部分。 影响多维模型,例如使用价值和刺激的模型,由于人类情感状态的复杂性,比传统绝对模型具有优势。 然而,维维情感注释很难收集,而且费用昂贵,因此在感官计算界中仍然有限。 要解决这些问题,我们建议一种方法,利用面貌变形,从现有的直线情感数据集中生成合成图像,同时充分控制由此产生的样本分异和在环绕空间的维度标签,同时达到至少20x或以上的增殖因子。