In this paper, we propose to combine the fifth order Hermite weighted essentially non-oscillatory (HWENO) scheme and fast sweeping method (FSM) for the solution of the steady-state $S_{N}$ transport equation in the finite volume framework. It is well-known that the $S_{N}$ transport equation asymptotically converges to a macroscopic diffusion equation in the limit of optically thick systems with small absorption and sources. Numerical methods which can preserve the asymptotic limit are referred to as asymptotic preserving methods. In the one-dimensional case, we provide the analysis to demonstrate the asymptotic preserving property of the high order finite volume HWENO method, by showing that its cell-edge and cell-average fluxes possess the thick diffusion limit. Numerical results in both one- and two- dimensions are presented to validate its asymptotic preserving property. A hybrid strategy to compute the nonlinear weights in the HWENO reconstruction is introduced to save computational cost. Extensive one- and two-dimensional numerical experiments are performed to verify the accuracy, asymptotic preserving property and positivity of the proposed HWENO FSM.
翻译:在本文中,我们提议将五等分之一的Hermite加权加权基本上不是悬浮的(HWENO)办法和快速扫描法(FSM)结合起来,以在数量有限的框架内解决稳定状态(S ⁇ N)美元运输方程式,众所周知,美元(S ⁇ N})的运输方程式在瞬间融合到光厚系统限制和少量吸收和来源的宏观扩散方程式中。可以保护无线极限的数值方法被指为零时保存方法。在一维的案例中,我们提供分析,以展示高序定量(HWENO)方法的无线保护属性,显示其细胞对齐和细胞平均通量具有厚的扩散限。提出了一维和二维的数值结果,以证实其无线保护特性。在HWENO重建中计算非线重量的混合战略被引入了节省计算成本。在一维和二维度的HWE数值试验中,将进行广泛的一维和二维度的数值实验,以校验HMU的准确性。