Graphs or networks are a very convenient way to represent data with lots of interaction. Recently, Machine Learning on Graph data has gained a lot of traction. In particular, vertex classification and missing edge detection have very interesting applications, ranging from drug discovery to recommender systems. To achieve such tasks, tremendous work has been accomplished to learn embedding of nodes and edges into finite-dimension vector spaces. This task is called Graph Representation Learning. However, Graph Representation Learning techniques often display prohibitive time and memory complexities, preventing their use in real-time with business size graphs. In this paper, we address this issue by leveraging a degeneracy property of Graphs - the K-Core Decomposition. We present two techniques taking advantage of this decomposition to reduce the time and memory consumption of walk-based Graph Representation Learning algorithms. We evaluate the performances, expressed in terms of quality of embedding and computational resources, of the proposed techniques on several academic datasets. Our code is available at
翻译:图表或网络是一种非常方便的方式,可以代表大量互动的数据。最近,图表数据上的机器学习获得了很多牵引力。特别是,顶点分类和缺失边缘探测具有非常有趣的应用,从毒品发现到推荐系统等,为完成这些任务,已经做了大量工作,学习将节点和边缘嵌入有限多功能矢量空间。这项任务称为“图形代表学习”。但是,图表教学技术往往显示令人望而却步的时间和记忆复杂性,防止其在实时使用商业规模图表时使用。在本文中,我们通过利用图表的退化特性-K-Core Decomposition来解决这一问题。我们介绍了利用这种分解利用两种技术来减少行走图显示学习算法的时间和记忆消耗。我们从嵌入质量和计算资源的角度评价了几个学术数据集上的拟议技术的性能。我们的代码可在上查阅。