Solving variational image segmentation problems with hidden physics is often expensive and requires different algorithms and manually tunes model parameter. The deep learning methods based on the U-Net structure have obtained outstanding performances in many different medical image segmentation tasks, but designing such networks requires a lot of parameters and training data, not always available for practical problems. In this paper, inspired by traditional multi-phase convexity Mumford-Shah variational model and full approximation scheme (FAS) solving the nonlinear systems, we propose a novel variational-model-informed network (denoted as FAS-Unet) that exploits the model and algorithm priors to extract the multi-scale features. The proposed model-informed network integrates image data and mathematical models, and implements them through learning a few convolution kernels. Based on the variational theory and FAS algorithm, we first design a feature extraction sub-network (FAS-Solution module) to solve the model-driven nonlinear systems, where a skip-connection is employed to fuse the multi-scale features. Secondly, we further design a convolution block to fuse the extracted features from the previous stage, resulting in the final segmentation possibility. Experimental results on three different medical image segmentation tasks show that the proposed FAS-Unet is very competitive with other state-of-the-art methods in qualitative, quantitative and model complexity evaluations. Moreover, it may also be possible to train specialized network architectures that automatically satisfy some of the mathematical and physical laws in other image problems for better accuracy, faster training and improved generalization.
翻译:解决隐蔽物理学的变异图像分解问题往往费用昂贵,需要不同的算法和人工调制模型参数。基于 U-Net 结构的深层次学习方法在许多不同的物理图像分解任务中取得了杰出的性能,但设计这种网络需要大量的参数和培训数据,而对于实际问题并不总是有这种数据。在本文中,在传统的多阶段混和Mumford-Shah变异模型和完全近似方案(FAS)的启发下,我们建议建立一个新型的变异模型知情网络(称为FAS-Unet),利用模型和算法之前的精度来提取多级特征。拟议的模型和算法网络将图像数据和数学模型和数学模型模型模型集成成,通过学习一些变异核心数据加以实施。根据变异理论和FAS 算法,我们首先设计一个特效提取子网络分网(FAS-Soluction模块),用来解决模型驱动的非线性非线性系统,并使用更快速的连接来整合多级特征。第二,我们进一步设计一个变变动的网络块块块块块,从前的系统,再将不同的图像分解法,在前阶段里程里程中将其他的图像分解法中, 展示其他的分路段进行其他的细分析。