Data association is important in the point cloud registration. In this work, we propose to solve the partial-to-partial registration from a new perspective, by introducing multi-level feature interactions between the source and the reference clouds at the feature extraction stage, such that the registration can be realized without the attentions or explicit mask estimation for the overlapping detection as adopted previously. Specifically, we present FINet, a feature interaction-based structure with the capability to enable and strengthen the information associating between the inputs at multiple stages. To achieve this, we first split the features into two components, one for rotation and one for translation, based on the fact that they belong to different solution spaces, yielding a dual branches structure. Second, we insert several interaction modules at the feature extractor for the data association. Third, we propose a transformation sensitivity loss to obtain rotation-attentive and translation-attentive features. Experiments demonstrate that our method performs higher precision and robustness compared to the state-of-the-art traditional and learning-based methods. Code will be available at
翻译:在云层点登记中,数据关联很重要。 在这项工作中,我们建议从新的角度解决部分到部分登记问题,方法是在特征提取阶段引入源与参考云之间的多层次特征互动,这样登记就能够在没有关注或明确掩码估计以前通过的重叠检测的情况下实现。具体地说,我们提出基于功能的互动结构FINet,这是一个基于功能的基于互动的结构,有能力在多个阶段促成和加强投入之间的信息连接。为此,我们首先将特征分成两个组成部分,一个用于轮换,另一个用于翻译,基于它们属于不同解决方案空间这一事实,产生双重分支结构。第二,我们在数据组合的特征提取器上插入了几个互动模块。第三,我们提出转换灵敏度损失,以获得旋转-加速和翻译-加速特征。实验表明,我们的方法比国家-艺术传统和基于学习的方法更加精确和稳健。代码将在上查阅。