Understanding human mobility dynamics among places provides fundamental knowledge regarding their interactive gravity, benefiting a wide range of applications in need of prior knowledge in human spatial interactions. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic uniquely highlights the need for monitoring and measuring fine-scale human spatial interactions. In response to the soaring needs of human mobility data under the pandemic, we developed an interactive geospatial web portal by extracting worldwide daily population flows from billions of geotagged tweets and United States (U.S.) population flows from SafeGraph mobility data. The web portal is named ODT (Origin-Destination-Time) Flow Explorer. At the core of the explorer is an ODT data cube coupled with a big data computing cluster to efficiently manage, query, and aggregate billions of OD flows at different spatial and temporal scales. Although the explorer is still in its early developing stage, the rapidly generated mobility flow data can benefit a wide range of domains that need timely access to the fine-grained human mobility records. The ODT Flow Explorer can be accessed via http://gis.cas.sc.edu/GeoAnalytics/od.html.
翻译:对不同地点之间人类流动动态的了解,使人们对其互动严重程度有基本了解,使需要事先了解人类空间互动的广泛应用受益。正在进行的COVID-19大流行特别突出了监测和测量人类空间互动规模的必要性。为了应对该大流行下人类流动数据急剧增长的需求,我们开发了一个互动式地理空间门户网站,从数十亿地理标记的推特和美国(美国)人口流动数据中提取了全世界每日数十亿人口流动的地理空间图象,从而从安全Graph移动数据中获取了流动数据。网络门户的名称是ODT(Origin-Destion-Time)流动探索者。探索者的核心是ODT数据,与一个大型数据计算组相结合,以有效管理、查询和汇总不同空间和时间尺度上数十亿OD流动。虽然探索者仍处于早期开发阶段,但快速生成的流动流数据可以惠及广泛的领域,需要及时查阅精细的人类流动记录。ODT Florver 探索者可通过http://gis.c.edu/GeoAlytic/o.html查阅。