Future fully interconnected virtual reality (VR) systems and the Tactile Internet diminish the boundary between virtual (online) and real (offline) worlds, while extending the digital and physical capabilities of humans via edge computing and teleoperated robots, respectively. In this paper, we focus on the Internet of No Things as an extension of immersive VR from virtual to real environments, where human-intended Internet services - either digital or physical - appear when needed and disappear when not needed. We first introduce the concept of integrated online-to-offline (O2O) communications, which treats online and offline channels as complementary to bridge the virtual and physical worlds and provide O2O multichannel experiences. We then elaborate on the emerging extended reality (XR), which brings the different forms of virtual/augmented/mixed reality together to realize the entire reality-virtuality continuum and, more importantly, supports human-machine interaction as envisioned by the Tactile Internet, while posing challenges to conventional handhelds, e.g., smartphones. Building on the so-called invisible-to-visible (I2V) technology concept, we present our extrasensory perception network (ESPN) and investigate how O2O communications and XR can be combined for the nonlocal extension of human "sixth-sense" experiences in space and time. We conclude by putting our ideas in perspective of the 6G vision.
翻译:未来完全互连的虚拟现实(VR)系统和Tactile Internet 分别通过边缘计算和远程操作机器人扩大人类的数字和物理能力,同时通过边缘计算和远程操作机器人扩大人类的数字和物理能力。在本文中,我们侧重于“无物”互联网,将隐性VR从虚拟环境中的“无物”互联网扩展为“无物”互联网的“无物”互联网扩展为“从虚拟到现实”的“从虚拟到物理”的“从数字到物理”的“实际”网络,在不需要的时候,由人为的互联网服务出现,当需要时即消失。我们首先引入“综合在线到离线(O2O2O)通信的概念,将在线和离线(O2O2O)通信作为连接虚拟世界的“补充,提供O2O2多通道的经验。我们然后阐述正在形成的“虚拟/增强/增强/整合/整合的”现实现实现实现实,更重要的是,根据触摸互联网的设想,支持人机互动,同时对常规手持设备(例如智能手机)提出挑战。我们在所谓的不可见的视野中,在所谓的“不可见的视野中建构思的视野上,我们目前的“将当前空间2人类的视野和外部网络中,可以最终的视野”概念中,可以将人类的“通过“我们如何理解的“将人类的”的“我们目前的空间-视觉”的虚拟的虚拟的“在虚拟的”概念中建立“在“永久的”概念中,如何理解的“VV2”的“我们目前的空间”的“可以最终的”的“将人类的虚拟的”概念中,可以使人类的虚拟的”的“空间的”概念化的“V2”的概念中,可以理解的“在“在“在“在“V2”的”的虚拟的”的”的”的“空间的”中进行的“V”概念中,可以形成中,”的虚拟的“我们目前的空间的虚拟的虚拟的“永久的虚拟的”概念中进行成的“V2”概念中,可以使我们的“永久的“V”的”的概念中,可以形成的“V”的”概念中建立的“V2”的概念中,可以形成的“V2”的“V2”的概念中,可以形成的“我们的“永久的虚拟的