We present a new adaptive resource optimization strategy that jointly allocates the subwindow and transmit power in multi-device terahertz (THz) band Internet of Things (Tera-IoT) networks. Unlike the prior studies focusing mostly on maximizing the sum distance, we incorporate both rate and transmission distance into the objective function of our problem formulation with key features of THz bands, including the spreading and molecular absorption losses. More specifically, as a performance metric of Tera-IoT networks, we adopt the transport capacity (TC), which is defined as the sum of the rate-distance products over all users. This metric has been widely adopted in large-scale ad hoc networks, and would also be appropriate for evaluating the performance of various Tera-IoT applications. We then formulate an optimization problem that aims at maximizing the TC. Moreover, motivated by the importance of the transmission distance that is very limited due to the high path loss in THz bands, our optimization problem is extended to the case of allocating the subwindow, transmit power, and transmission distance. We show how to solve our problems via an effective two-stage resource allocation strategy. We demonstrate the superiority of our adaptive solution over benchmark methods via intensive numerical evaluations for various environmental setups of large-scale Tera-IoT networks.
翻译:我们提出了一个新的适应性资源优化战略,在多构件 Tera-IoT(Thz) B波段的Tera-IoT(Tera-IoT)网络中联合分配子窗口并传输电力。与以前主要侧重于最大限度地扩大总距离的研究不同,我们将速度和传输距离纳入我们的问题设计目标功能中,以Thz波段的关键特征为对象,包括传播和分子吸收损失。更具体地说,作为Tera-IoT网络的性能衡量标准,我们采用运输能力(TC),它的定义是所有用户的速差产品总和。这一指标已被大规模特设网络广泛采用,并且对于评估Tera-IoT各种应用的绩效也很合适。我们然后将一个优化性的问题纳入我们的问题设计中,目的是最大限度地扩大TC的特性。此外,由于Thaz波段的路径损失很高,我们最优化性的问题被扩大到分配子窗口、传输电力和传输距离。我们展示了如何通过两个阶段的大规模资源配置战略来解决我们的问题。我们要展示如何通过T级高度高度的标准化的标准化的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级的跨级战略的跨级的跨级的跨级网络。