5G technology allows heterogeneous services to share the wireless spectrum within the same radio access network. In this context, spectrum slicing of the shared radio resources is a critical task to guarantee the performance of each service. We analyze a downlink communication serving two types of traffic: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). Due to the nature of low-latency traffic, the base station knows the channel state information (CSI) of the eMBB users, while having statistical CSI for the URLLC users. We study the power minimization problem employing orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes. Based on this analysis, we propose two algorithms: a lookup table-based and a block coordinated descent (BCD). We show that the BCD is optimal for the URLLC power allocation. The numerical results show that NOMA leads to a lower power consumption compared to OMA, except when the average channel gain of the the URLLC user is very high. For the latter case, the optimal approach depends on the channel condition of the eMBB user. Even when OMA attains the best performance, the gap with NOMA is negligible. This shows the capability of NOMA to reduce the power consumption in practically every condition.
翻译:5G技术允许多种服务在同一无线电接入网络中共享无线频谱。 在这方面,共享无线电资源的频谱剪切是保证每项服务绩效的关键任务。 我们分析了一种下行链路通信,用于两种类型的交通:增强移动宽带(EMBBB)和超可信任低纬度通信(URLLC)。由于低纬度交通的性质,基地站了解电子MBB用户的频道状态信息(CSI),同时对URLLC用户拥有统计性CSI。我们研究了使用正方位多接入和非正态多接入(NOMA)计划以最大限度地减少电力问题。我们根据这一分析,提出了两种算法:以查看表为基础的增强移动宽带(EMB)和以区划协调的低纬度通信(URLC)。我们表明,由于低纬度通信量通信量通信对URLC电力配置而言是最佳的。数字结果显示,除URLC用户的平均频道获得的电量非常高,否则,NOMA用户的平均电量会减少。 后一种最优的方法取决于OM的频道状况,即使用户都以最差的状态展示了OM的运行能力。