Since GDPR came into force in May 2018, companies have worked on their data practices to comply with this privacy law. In particular, since the privacy policy is the essential communication channel for users to understand and control their privacy, many companies updated their privacy policies after GDPR was enforced. However, most privacy policies are verbose, full of jargon, and vaguely describe companies' data practices and users' rights. Therefore, it is unclear if they comply with GDPR. In this paper, we create a privacy policy dataset of 1,080 websites labeled with the 18 GDPR requirements and develop a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based model which can classify the privacy policies with an accuracy of 89.2%. We apply our model to perform a measurement on the compliance in the privacy policies. Our results show that even after GDPR went into effect, 97% of websites still fail to comply with at least one requirement of GDPR.
翻译:自2018年5月GNSR生效以来,各公司一直在努力制定数据做法,以遵守这一隐私法。特别是,由于隐私政策是用户了解和控制隐私的基本沟通渠道,许多公司在GNSR实施后更新了隐私政策。然而,大多数隐私政策都是动词,充满了行语,含糊地描述了公司的数据做法和用户权利。因此,不清楚它们是否遵守了GNSR。在本文件中,我们创建了一个1 080个网站的隐私政策数据集,标注了18个GNSR的要求,并开发了一个基于Convolual Neural网络(CNN)的模型,可以精确地将隐私政策分类89.2%。我们运用了我们的模型来衡量隐私政策是否得到遵守。我们的结果显示,即使在GNSR生效之后,97%的网站仍然没有达到至少一项GNSR的要求。