Digital text is increasing day by day on the internet. It is very challenging to classify a large and heterogeneous collection of data, which require improved information processing methods to organize text. To classify large size of corpus, one common approach is to use hierarchical text classification, which aims to classify textual data in a hierarchical structure. Several approaches have been proposed to tackle classification of text but most of the research has been done on English language. This paper proposes a deep learning model for hierarchical text classification of news in Urdu language - consisting of 51,325 sentences from 8 online news websites belonging to the following genres: Sports; Technology; and Entertainment. The objectives of this paper are twofold: (1) to develop a large human-annotated dataset of news in Urdu language for hierarchical text classification; and (2) to classify Urdu news hierarchically using our proposed model based on LSTM mechanism named as Hierarchical Multi-layer LSTMs (HMLSTM). Our model consists of two modules: Text Representing Layer, for obtaining text representation in which we use Word2vec embedding to transform the words to vector and Urdu Hierarchical LSTM Layer (UHLSTML) an end-to-end fully connected deep LSTMs network to perform automatic feature learning, we train one LSTM layer for each level of the class hierarchy. We have performed extensive experiments on our self created dataset named as Urdu News Dataset for Hierarchical Text Classification (UNDHTC). The result shows that our proposed method is very effective for hierarchical text classification and it outperforms baseline methods significantly and also achieved good results as compare to deep neural model.
翻译:数字文本在互联网上日复一日地增加。 将大型和多样化的数据收集工作分类是一项非常艰巨的任务, 这需要改进信息处理方法来组织文本。 要对大量内容进行分类, 一种共同的方法是使用等级文字分类, 目的是将文本数据分类为等级结构。 已经提出了几种方法来解决文本分类问题, 但大部分研究都是用英语进行的。 本文建议了乌尔都语新闻等级化文本分类的深层次学习模式, 包括来自8个在线新闻网站的51 325个句子, 属于以下类型: 体育; 技术; 娱乐。 本文的目标是双重的:(1) 开发一个大型带有人文说明的乌尔都语新闻数据集, 用于等级文字分类分类; (2) 使用我们基于LSTM机制的高级多层次LLLLLLLMLMLMLMRMM 模式, 将乌尔都新闻分类转换成矢中矢中矢量的矢量值。 我们的文本化图解图中, 我们的文本化图解中, 将每个级的内端的LSDMTLSTMTLTMTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTML 的高级系统, 将大量的深度系统系统进行完全的自动升级系统。